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  • a mathematical concept that's widely used in computer science and that's defined by the following equation
    • logbx if and only if by = x
    • in the context of coding interviews, logarithm is used to describe the complexity analysis of algorithms
      • its usage always implies a logarithm of base 2
      • in other words in the context of coding interviews, it is defined by
        • log (n) = y if and only if 2y = n
      • if an algorithm has a logarithmic time complexity O log (n), where n is the size of the input
        • then whenever the algorithm's input doubles in size (whenever n doubles)
          • the number of operations needed to complete the algorithm only increases by 1 unit
      • e.g.: input size of 1,000 will take roughly 10 operations to complete since 210 ~= 1,000