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  • The Command pattern aims to encapsulate method invocation, requests, or operations into a single object
  • It gives us the ability to both parameterize and pass method calls around that can be executed at our discretion
  • It enables us to decouple objects invoking the action from the objects that implement them, giving us a greater degree of overall flexibility in swapping out concrete classes (objects)
  • idea behind the Command pattern is that it provides us a means to separate the responsibilities of issuing commands from anything executing commands, delegating this responsibility to different objects instead

Why use the Command pattern

  • By using the command pattern in our programs and applications, we are able to incorporate functionalities (such as queueing, request logging, and undo/redo operations) with a lot of ease
  • This is because each request is an independent entity from other classes and objects
  • therefore, we can modify or update a request without worrying about affecting other requests or objects


in a restaurant

  • the Client is the customer
  • the Invoker is the waiter that writes the paper order that is given from the client
  • the waiter then gives the paper orders as a form of command to the chefs in the kitchen
  • the receiver is the chefs in the kitchen that takes the command and then prepares the meal



  1. The Sender class (aka invoker) is responsible for initiating requests.
    • This class must have a field for storing a reference to a command object.
    • The sender triggers that command instead of sending the request directly to the receiver.
    • Note that the sender isn’t responsible for creating the command object.
    • Usually, it gets a pre-created command from the client via the constructor.
  2. The Command interface usually declares just a single method for executing the command.
  3. Concrete Commands implement various kinds of requests.
    • A concrete command isn’t supposed to perform the work on its own, but rather to pass the call to one of the business logic objects.
    • However, for the sake of simplifying the code, these classes can be merged.
  4. Parameters required to execute a method on a receiving object can be declared as fields in the concrete command.
    • You can make command objects immutable by only allowing the initialization of these fields via the constructor.
  5. The Receiver class contains some business logic.
    • Almost any object may act as a receiver.
    • Most commands only handle the details of how a request is passed to the receiver, while the receiver itself does the actual work.
  6. The Client creates and configures concrete command objects.
    • The client must pass all of the request parameters, including a receiver instance, into the command’s constructor.
    • After that, the resulting command may be associated with one or multiple senders.

When to apply

  • when you want to parametrize objects with operations
    • The Command pattern can turn a specific method call into a stand-alone object
    • This change opens up a lot of interesting uses: you can pass commands as method arguments, store them inside other objects, switch linked commands at runtime, etc.
    • example: you're developing a GUI component such as a context menu, and you want your users to be able to configure menu items that trigger operations when an end user clicks an item
  • when you want to queue operations, schedule their execution, or execute them remotely
    • As with any other object, a command can be serialized, which means converting it to a string that can be easily written to a file or a database
    • Later, the string can be restored as the initial command object
    • Thus, you can delay and schedule command execution
    • In the same way, you can queue, log or send commands over the network
  • when you want to implement reversible operations
    • Although there are many ways to implement undo/redo, the Command pattern is perhaps the most popular of all
    • To be able to revert operations, you need to implement the history of performed operations
    • The command history is a stack that contains all executed command objects along with related backups of the application's state
    • This method has two drawbacks
      • First, it isn't that easy to save an application's state because some of it can be private
        • This problem can be mitigated with the Memento pattern
      • Second, the state backups may consume quite a lot of RAM
    • Therefore, sometimes you can resort to an alternative implementation
      • instead of restoring the past state, the command performs the inverse operation
    • The reverse operation also has a price
      • it may turn out to be hard or even impossible to implement

Pros and Cons

decoupling classes that invoke operations from classes that perform these operations (Single Responsibility)the code may become more complicated since you're introducing a whole new layer between senders and receivers
introducing new commands into the app without breaking existing client code (Open/Closed)
implementing undo/redo
implementing deferred execution of operations
assembling a set of simple commands into a complex one


abstract class Command {
protected app: Application;
protected editor: Editor;
protected backup: string;

constructor(app: Application, editor: Editor) { = app;
this.editor = editor;

saveBackup() {
this.backup = this.editor.text;

undo() {
this.editor.text = this.backup;

abstract execute();
class CopyCommand extends Command {
execute() { = this.editor.getSelection();
class PasteCommand extends Command {
execute() {
class CommandHistory {
private history: Command[];

push(c: Command) {
pop(): Command {
return this.history[this.history.length - 1];
class Editor {
text: string;

getSelection() {
return "some selection";
replaceSelection(clipboard) {
return `some ${clipboard} selection`;
class Application {
clipboard: string;
editor: Editor;
activeEditor: Editor;
history: CommandHistory;

bindComands() {
shortcuts.onkeypress("Ctrl+C", () => {
return this.executeCommand(new CopyCommand(this, this.editor));
shortcuts.onkeypress("Ctrl+V", () => {
return this.executeCommand(new PasteCommand(this, this.editor));

executeCommand(command: Command) {

undo() {
const command = this.history.pop();