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TypeScript Example

* Iterator Design Pattern
* Intent: Lets you traverse elements of a collection without exposing its
* underlying representation (list, stack, tree, etc.).

interface Iterator<T> {
// Return the current element.
current(): T;

// Return the current element and move forward to next element.
next(): T;

// Return the key of the current element.
key(): number;

// Checks if current position is valid.
valid(): boolean;

// Rewind the Iterator to the first element.
rewind(): void;

interface Aggregator {
// Retrieve an external iterator.
getIterator(): Iterator<string>;

* Concrete Iterators implement various traversal algorithms. These classes
* store the current traversal position at all times.

class AlphabeticalOrderIterator implements Iterator<string> {
private collection: WordsCollection;

* Stores the current traversal position. An iterator may have a lot of
* other fields for storing iteration state, especially when it is supposed
* to work with a particular kind of collection.
private position: number = 0;

* This variable indicates the traversal direction.
private reverse: boolean = false;

constructor(collection: WordsCollection, reverse: boolean = false) {
this.collection = collection;
this.reverse = reverse;

if (reverse) {
this.position = collection.getCount() - 1;

public rewind() {
this.position = this.reverse ? this.collection.getCount() - 1 : 0;

public current(): string {
return this.collection.getItems()[this.position];

public key(): number {
return this.position;

public next(): string {
const item = this.collection.getItems()[this.position];
this.position += this.reverse ? -1 : 1;
return item;

public valid(): boolean {
if (this.reverse) {
return this.position >= 0;

return this.position < this.collection.getCount();

* Concrete Collections provide one or several methods for retrieving fresh
* iterator instances, compatible with the collection class.
class WordsCollection implements Aggregator {
private items: string[] = [];

public getItems(): string[] {
return this.items;

public getCount(): number {
return this.items.length;

public addItem(item: string): void {

public getIterator(): Iterator<string> {
return new AlphabeticalOrderIterator(this);

public getReverseIterator(): Iterator<string> {
return new AlphabeticalOrderIterator(this, true);

* The client code may or may not know about the Concrete Iterator or Collection
* classes, depending on the level of indirection you want to keep in your
* program.
const collection = new WordsCollection();

const iterator = collection.getIterator();

console.log("Straight traversal:");
while (iterator.valid()) {

console.log("Reverse traversal:");
const reverseIterator = collection.getReverseIterator();
while (reverseIterator.valid()) {
Straight traversal:

Reverse traversal: