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TypeScript Example

* Mediator Design Pattern
* Intent: Lets you reduce chaotic dependencies between objects. The pattern
* restricts direct communications between the objects and forces them to
* collaborate only via a mediator object.

* The Mediator interface declares a method used by components to notify the
* mediator about various events. The Mediator may react to these events and
* pass the execution to other components.
interface Mediator {
notify(sender: object, event: string): void;

* Concrete Mediators implement cooperative behavior by coordinating several
* components.
class ConcreteMediator implements Mediator {
private component1: Component1;

private component2: Component2;

constructor(c1: Component1, c2: Component2) {
this.component1 = c1;
this.component2 = c2;

public notify(sender: object, event: string): void {
if (event === "A") {
console.log("Mediator reacts on A and triggers following operations:");

if (event === "D") {
console.log("Mediator reacts on D and triggers following operations:");

* The Base Component provides the basic functionality of storing a mediator's
* instance inside component objects.
class BaseComponent {
protected mediator: Mediator;

constructor(mediator: Mediator = null) {
this.mediator = mediator;

public setMediator(mediator: Mediator): void {
this.mediator = mediator;

* Concrete Components implement various functionality. They don't depend on
* other components. They also don't depend on any concrete mediator classes.
class Component1 extends BaseComponent {
public doA(): void {
console.log("Component 1 does A.");
this.mediator.notify(this, "A");

public doB(): void {
console.log("Component 1 does B.");
this.mediator.notify(this, "B");

class Component2 extends BaseComponent {
public doC(): void {
console.log("Component 2 does C.");
this.mediator.notify(this, "C");

public doD(): void {
console.log("Component 2 does D.");
this.mediator.notify(this, "D");

* The client code.
const c1 = new Component1();
const c2 = new Component2();
const mediator = new ConcreteMediator(c1, c2);

console.log("Client triggers operation A.");

console.log("Client triggers operation D.");
Client triggers operation A.
Component 1 does A.
Mediator reacts on A and triggers following operations:
Component 2 does C.

Client triggers operation D.
Component 2 does D.
Mediator reacts on D and triggers following operations:
Component 1 does B.
Component 2 does C.