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C++ Example

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>

* Strategy Design Pattern
* Intent: Lets you define a family of algorithms, put each of them into a
* separate class, and make their objects interchangeable.

* The Strategy interface declares operations common to all supported versions
* of some algorithm.
* The Context uses this interface to call the algorithm defined by Concrete
* Strategies.
class Strategy
virtual ~Strategy() {}
virtual std::string DoAlgorithm(const std::vector<std::string> &data) const = 0;

* The Context defines the interface of interest to clients.

class Context
* @var Strategy The Context maintains a reference to one of the Strategy
* objects. The Context does not know the concrete class of a strategy. It
* should work with all strategies via the Strategy interface.
Strategy *strategy_;
* Usually, the Context accepts a strategy through the constructor, but also
* provides a setter to change it at runtime.
Context(Strategy *strategy = nullptr) : strategy_(strategy)
delete this->strategy_;
* Usually, the Context allows replacing a Strategy object at runtime.
void set_strategy(Strategy *strategy)
delete this->strategy_;
this->strategy_ = strategy;
* The Context delegates some work to the Strategy object instead of
* implementing +multiple versions of the algorithm on its own.
void DoSomeBusinessLogic() const
// ...
std::cout << "Context: Sorting data using the strategy (not sure how it'll do it)\n";
std::string result = this->strategy_->DoAlgorithm(std::vector<std::string>{"a", "e", "c", "b", "d"});
std::cout << result << "\n";
// ...

* Concrete Strategies implement the algorithm while following the base Strategy
* interface. The interface makes them interchangeable in the Context.
class ConcreteStrategyA : public Strategy
std::string DoAlgorithm(const std::vector<std::string> &data) const override
std::string result;
std::for_each(std::begin(data), std::end(data), [&result](const std::string &letter) {
result += letter;
std::sort(std::begin(result), std::end(result));

return result;
class ConcreteStrategyB : public Strategy
std::string DoAlgorithm(const std::vector<std::string> &data) const override
std::string result;
std::for_each(std::begin(data), std::end(data), [&result](const std::string &letter) {
result += letter;
std::sort(std::begin(result), std::end(result));
for (int i = 0; i < result.size() / 2; i++)
std::swap(result[i], result[result.size() - i - 1]);

return result;
* The client code picks a concrete strategy and passes it to the context. The
* client should be aware of the differences between strategies in order to make
* the right choice.

void ClientCode()
Context *context = new Context(new ConcreteStrategyA);
std::cout << "Client: Strategy is set to normal sorting.\n";
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "Client: Strategy is set to reverse sorting.\n";
context->set_strategy(new ConcreteStrategyB);
delete context;

int main()
return 0;
Client: Strategy is set to normal sorting.
Context: Sorting data using the strategy (not sure how it'll do it)

Client: Strategy is set to reverse sorting.
Context: Sorting data using the strategy (not sure how it'll do it)