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Java Example

  • app/


    import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.buttons.Button;
    import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.checkboxes.Checkbox;
    import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.factories.GUIFactory;

    * Factory users don't care which concrete factory they use since they work with
    * factories and products through abstract interfaces.
    public class Application {
    private Button button;
    private Checkbox checkbox;

    public Application(GUIFactory factory) {
    button = factory.createButton();
    checkbox = factory.createCheckbox();

    public void paint() {
  • buttons

    • buttons/

      package refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.buttons;

      * Abstract Factory assumes that you have several families of products,
      * structured into separate class hierarchies (Button/Checkbox). All products of
      * the same family have the common interface.
      * This is the common interface for buttons family.
      public interface Button {
      void paint();
    • buttons/

      package refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.buttons;

      * All products families have the same varieties (MacOS/Windows).
      * This is a MacOS variant of a button.
      public class MacOSButton implements Button {

      public void paint() {
      System.out.println("You have created MacOSButton.");
    • buttons/

      package refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.buttons;

      * All products families have the same varieties (MacOS/Windows).
      * This is another variant of a button.
      public class WindowsButton implements Button {

      public void paint() {
      System.out.println("You have created WindowsButton.");
  • checkboxes

    • checkboxes/

      package refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.checkboxes;

      * Checkboxes is the second product family. It has the same variants as buttons.
      public interface Checkbox {
      void paint();
    • checkboxes/

      package refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.checkboxes;

      * All products families have the same varieties (MacOS/Windows).
      * This is a variant of a checkbox.
      public class MacOSCheckbox implements Checkbox {

      public void paint() {
      System.out.println("You have created MacOSCheckbox.");
    • checkboxes/

      package refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.checkboxes;

      * All products families have the same varieties (MacOS/Windows).
      * This is another variant of a checkbox.
      public class WindowsCheckbox implements Checkbox {

      public void paint() {
      System.out.println("You have created WindowsCheckbox.");
  • factories

    • factories/

      package refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.factories;

      import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.buttons.Button;
      import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.checkboxes.Checkbox;

      * Abstract factory knows about all (abstract) product types.
      public interface GUIFactory {
      Button createButton();
      Checkbox createCheckbox();
    • factories/

      package refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.factories;

      import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.buttons.Button;
      import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.buttons.MacOSButton;
      import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.checkboxes.Checkbox;
      import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.checkboxes.MacOSCheckbox;

      * Each concrete factory extends basic factory and responsible for creating
      * products of a single variety.
      public class MacOSFactory implements GUIFactory {

      public Button createButton() {
      return new MacOSButton();

      public Checkbox createCheckbox() {
      return new MacOSCheckbox();
    • factories/

      package refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.factories;

      import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.buttons.Button;
      import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.buttons.WindowsButton;
      import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.checkboxes.Checkbox;
      import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.checkboxes.WindowsCheckbox;

      * Each concrete factory extends basic factory and responsible for creating
      * products of a single variety.
      public class WindowsFactory implements GUIFactory {

      public Button createButton() {
      return new WindowsButton();

      public Checkbox createCheckbox() {
      return new WindowsCheckbox();

    package refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example;

    import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.factories.GUIFactory;
    import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.factories.MacOSFactory;
    import refactoring_guru.abstract_factory.example.factories.WindowsFactory;

    * Demo class. Everything comes together here.
    public class Demo {

    * Application picks the factory type and creates it in run time (usually at
    * initialization stage), depending on the configuration or environment
    * variables.
    private static Application configureApplication() {
    Application app;
    GUIFactory factory;
    String osName = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase();
    if (osName.contains("mac")) {
    factory = new MacOSFactory();
    app = new Application(factory);
    } else {
    factory = new WindowsFactory();
    app = new Application(factory);
    return app;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
    Application app = configureApplication();
    You create WindowsButton.
    You created WindowsCheckbox.