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C++ Example

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>

* Flyweight Design Pattern
* Intent: Lets you fit more objects into the available amount of RAM by sharing
* common parts of state between multiple objects, instead of keeping all of the
* data in each object.

struct SharedState
std::string brand_;
std::string model_;
std::string color_;

SharedState(const std::string &brand, const std::string &model, const std::string &color)
: brand_(brand), model_(model), color_(color)

friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const SharedState &ss)
return os << "[ " << ss.brand_ << " , " << ss.model_ << " , " << ss.color_ << " ]";

struct UniqueState
std::string owner_;
std::string plates_;

UniqueState(const std::string &owner, const std::string &plates)
: owner_(owner), plates_(plates)

friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const UniqueState &us)
return os << "[ " << us.owner_ << " , " << us.plates_ << " ]";

* The Flyweight stores a common portion of the state (also called intrinsic
* state) that belongs to multiple real business entities. The Flyweight accepts
* the rest of the state (extrinsic state, unique for each entity) via its
* method parameters.
class Flyweight
SharedState *shared_state_;

Flyweight(const SharedState *shared_state) : shared_state_(new SharedState(*shared_state))
Flyweight(const Flyweight &other) : shared_state_(new SharedState(*other.shared_state_))
delete shared_state_;
SharedState *shared_state() const
return shared_state_;
void Operation(const UniqueState &unique_state) const
std::cout << "Flyweight: Displaying shared (" << *shared_state_ << ") and unique (" << unique_state << ") state.\n";
* The Flyweight Factory creates and manages the Flyweight objects. It ensures
* that flyweights are shared correctly. When the client requests a flyweight,
* the factory either returns an existing instance or creates a new one, if it
* doesn't exist yet.
class FlyweightFactory
* @var Flyweight[]
std::unordered_map<std::string, Flyweight> flyweights_;
* Returns a Flyweight's string hash for a given state.
std::string GetKey(const SharedState &ss) const
return ss.brand_ + "_" + ss.model_ + "_" + ss.color_;

FlyweightFactory(std::initializer_list<SharedState> share_states)
for (const SharedState &ss : share_states)
this->flyweights_.insert(std::make_pair<std::string, Flyweight>(this->GetKey(ss), Flyweight(&ss)));

* Returns an existing Flyweight with a given state or creates a new one.
Flyweight GetFlyweight(const SharedState &shared_state)
std::string key = this->GetKey(shared_state);
if (this->flyweights_.find(key) == this->flyweights_.end())
std::cout << "FlyweightFactory: Can't find a flyweight, creating new one.\n";
this->flyweights_.insert(std::make_pair(key, Flyweight(&shared_state)));
std::cout << "FlyweightFactory: Reusing existing flyweight.\n";
return this->;
void ListFlyweights() const
size_t count = this->flyweights_.size();
std::cout << "\nFlyweightFactory: I have " << count << " flyweights:\n";
for (std::pair<std::string, Flyweight> pair : this->flyweights_)
std::cout << pair.first << "\n";

// ...
void AddCarToPoliceDatabase(
FlyweightFactory &ff, const std::string &plates, const std::string &owner,
const std::string &brand, const std::string &model, const std::string &color)
std::cout << "\nClient: Adding a car to database.\n";
const Flyweight &flyweight = ff.GetFlyweight({brand, model, color});
// The client code either stores or calculates extrinsic state and passes it
// to the flyweight's methods.
flyweight.Operation({owner, plates});

* The client code usually creates a bunch of pre-populated flyweights in the
* initialization stage of the application.

int main()
FlyweightFactory *factory = new FlyweightFactory({{"Chevrolet", "Camaro2018", "pink"}, {"Mercedes Benz", "C300", "black"}, {"Mercedes Benz", "C500", "red"}, {"BMW", "M5", "red"}, {"BMW", "X6", "white"}});

"James Doe",

"James Doe",
delete factory;

return 0;
FlyweightFactory: I have 5 flyweights:
Mercedes Benz_C500_red
Mercedes Benz_C300_black

Client: Adding a car to database.
FlyweightFactory: Reusing existing flyweight.
Flyweight: Displaying shared ([ BMW , M5 , red ]) and unique ([ CL234IR , James Doe ]) state.

Client: Adding a car to database.
FlyweightFactory: Can't find a flyweight, creating new one.
Flyweight: Displaying shared ([ BMW , X1 , red ]) and unique ([ CL234IR , James Doe ]) state.

FlyweightFactory: I have 6 flyweights:
Mercedes Benz_C300_black
Mercedes Benz_C500_red