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Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY)

  • It usually means refactoring code by taking something done several times and turning it into a loop or a function
    • DRY code is easy to change, because you only have to make any change in one place
  • Easy to change doesn’t just mean clean code
    • if you can’t figure out what a variable is for or what a function does based on its name
      • then it’s harder to change it later, when you might not remember exactly how your code works
        • or when somebody else is trying to change your code
  • Using descriptive variable names make it easier to understand what the variable contains and in turn make it easier to use or change later on
  • A good starting naming convention for your variables and functions would be:
    • singular words for variables containing values
      • i.e: fruit, firstName, favoriteColor
    • plural words for variables containing objects or arrays
      • i.e: fruits, names, myColors
    • a description for variables containing functions
      • ie: logFruits, findPerson, getFavoriteColor
  • Conclusion
    • Whenever you finish writing some code, you should always look back to see if there is any way you can DRY it up, including:
      • using descriptive variable names
      • taking repetitive bits of code
      • extracting them into a function or loop