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Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)

  • if S is a subtype of T, then objects of type T may be replaced with objects of type S
    • which means that every single usage of the parent class should be replaceable with its child class
  • That requires the objects of your subclasses to behave in the same way as the objects of your superclass
    • Clients can reliably use any type or subtype, always expecting consistent behavior or, in other words, that the contract will be kept
    • A simple formulation of the principle is as follows:
      • it should be possible to substitute any subtype for base type
  • There are several rules that must be followed for LSP compliance:
    • contract rules and variance rules

Contract Rules

Preconditions cannot be strengthened in a subtype

  • Preconditions are defined as all the conditions necessary for a method to run reliably and without fault
    • If subclass is replaced with superclass and preconditions are tightened for existing methods, then existing functionality will break
  • Suppose we have a class for calculating shipping price ShippingCalculator
    • This class has calculate() method defined, which takes two arguments:
      • size and weight and calculates delivery price
    • The calculate() method will not work properly if weight or size provided are less or equal zero
  • These are preconditions
    • Suppose at some point we are given new requirements for shipping service:
      • we need to support worldwide delivery that should be done only if weight and size of product we want to deliver are less than 10
    • We create class WorldWideShipping that extends ShippingCalculator class and override calculate() method based on new requirements
    • Now WorldWideShipping does not fulfill ShippingCalculator expectations, because it works only with size and weight less than 10
    • As a result, WorldWideShipping strengthens preconditions and violates the Liskov substitution principle
    • All clients should now be aware of the new type and treat it as a special case
class ShippingCalculator {
public calculate(weight: number, size: number, destination: USADestination) {
if (weight <= 0 || size <= 0) {
throw new Error("Weight and size should be greater than 0");

const shippingPrice = weight * size;

return shippingPrice;

class WorldWideShipping extends ShippingCalculator {
// correct destination type passed: Destination
public calculate(weight: number, size: number, destination: Destination) {
// preconditions are strengthened
if (weight < 10 && size < 10) {
throw new Error("No international shipping for you");

return super.calculate(weight, size, destination);

Postconditions cannot be weakened in a subtype

  • Postconditions check whether an object is being left in a valid state before a method is returned
    • The reason you cannot weaken postconditions is because existing clients might break when a new subclass is introduced
  • Let us get back to ShippingCalculator.calculate() method
    • The postcondition is the rule that the delivery cost is always more than 0
    • Suppose our customers decided to bring in free delivery for products which size and weight are less than 1
    • We create class FreeShipping and override calculate() method based on new requirements
    • In this case, we weakened postconditions compared to the original ones
    • We broke the original logic which assumed that the shippingPrice is always a positive number
    • As a result, clients who are sure in original postconditions and who have previously worked with the base class, may break when switching to the subclass
    • Moreover, it will also be required for them to check which instance of the calculator they are working with to handle new requirements
class FreeShipping extends ShippingCalculator {
// incorrect destination type passed: should be Destination
public calculate(
weight: number,
size: number,
destination: TexasDestination
) {
if (weight <= 0 || size <= 0) {
throw new Error("Weight and size should be greater than 0");

// postconditions are weakened
const shippingPrice =
weight < 1 && size < 1 ? 0 : super.calculate(weight, size, destination);

return shippingPrice;

Variance Rules

There must be covariance of the return types in the subtype

  • Covariance is when function return values can be changed to subtypes, moving down the hierarchy
  • Suppose we have a base Product class defined with getShippingProvider() method which returns an instance of ShippingCalculator class
    • We want to introduce a new product phone, that is why we create Phone class and extend it from base Product class
    • Phones can be delivered worldwide
    • Therefore, getShippingProvider() should return an instance of WorldWideShipping class
    • Covariance of return types is kept:
      • getShippingProvider() returns an instance of WorldWideShipping class, which is subtype of ShippingCalculator (moving down to hierarchy)
class Product {
public getShippingProvider(): ShippingCalculator {
return new ShippingCalculator();

class Phone extends Product {
// WorldWideShipping is subtype of ShippingCalculator
public getShippingProvider(): WorldWideShipping {
return new WorldWideShipping();
  • Example of violating the covariance rule of return types in subtype is given below
    • As you can see, we are moving up the hierarchy of classes
class Product {
public getShippingProvider(): WorldWideShipping {
return new WorldWideShipping();

class Phone extends Product {
public getShippingProvider(): ShippingCalculator {
return new ShippingCalculator();

There must be contravariance of the method arguments in the subtype

  • Contravariance is when function arguments can be changed to supertypes, moving up the hierarchy
  • Suppose at some point we decided to deliver products only to the USA and free shipping is possible only to Texas
    • We extend calculate() method and pass destination needed to it
    • Contravariance of function arguments is kept in WorldWideShipping class, but not in FreeShipping class
    • Destination should be an instance of Destination class in FreeShipping.calculate() method
class Destination {}
class USADestination extends Destination {}
class TexasDestination extends USADestination {}

class ShippingCalculator {
public calculate(weight: number, size: number, destination: USADestination) {
// calculate

class WorldWideShipping extends ShippingCalculator {
// correct destination type passed: Destination
public calculate(weight: number, size: number, destination: Destination) {
// calculate

class FreeShipping extends ShippingCalculator {
// incorrect destination type passed: should be Destination
public calculate(
weight: number,
size: number,
destination: TexasDestination
) {
// calculate

Invariants must be maintained

  • A data invariant is a state that remains true for the entire lifetime of an object
    • Data invariants refer to the expected internal state of an object
    • Whenever a new subclass is created, it must continue to honor all the data invariants that were part of the base class
    • The violation of this principle is easy to introduce because subclasses have a lot of freedom to introduce new ways of changing previously private data
  • A list of users with unique emails can be an example of a data invariant
    • Let us have a look at Users.add() method
    • By adding a simple guard condition to the method, we prevented adding an invalid value and preserved the data invariant
    • In NotUniqueUsers.add() method we violate the parent class invariants, since we give the opportunity to add non-unique values to the collection of users
    • Data invariants must be persisted throughout the hierarchy of classes
    • Every class in the chain of inheritance must fulfill the invariants of all its heirs, otherwise no one can guarantee the correctness of the behavior
class User {
constructor(private email: string) {}

hasSameEmail(other: User): boolean {
return ===;

class Users {
private users: User[] = [];

public add(user: User): boolean {
if (this.users.some(user.hasSameEmail.bind(user))) {
return false;


return true;

class NotUniqueUsers extends Users {
private collection: User[] = [];

public add(user: User): boolean {

return true;


  • essence of LSP

    • design entities so that their descendants do not conflict with the underlying behavior
      • the behavior of inheritors should be expected for functions that use the base class
    • design entities so that their descendants can be substituted for 1 another without changing the function that uses them
      • the general interface should be such that in the classes that implement it, the preconditions are not stronger, and the postconditions are not weaker
  • why contract programming is useful from LSP point of view

    • contracts prevent descendants from developing behavior that contradicts the behavior of the underlying entity
      • postconditions cannot be weakened in a subclass
    • contracts define the behavior of the underlying entity that its descendants must follow
      • preconditions cannot be strengthened in a subclass
  • In case of not following LSP:

    • Inheritance hierarchies will lead to confusion
      • So, passing the subclass instance instead of base class into the method will result in a weird behavior of the existing code
    • Unit tests for base class will never pass for subclasses