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  • url

  • Creates virtual DOM for testing

  • Allows testing without a browser

  • Can search through DOM

    • have jQuery style selector
  • Can simulate simple events

  • Has shallow rendering

    • render components only 1 level deep
    • render parent, but use placeholders for children
      • children components won't be rendered
        • allows cleaner & quicker testing
  • Provides access to props & states

    • allows manipulation of values
    • enable examining / testing for values


installation (does not include in the create-react-app)

file setup in xxx.test.js

  • remove the import {render} from "@testing-library/react";
    • this is because we will be using enzyme instead
  • import the following
import Enzyme, {shallow} from "enzyme"; // Enzyme not required if configured in setupTests.js
import EnzymeAdapter from "enzyme-adapter-react-16"; // version depends on react version, only required if setupTests.js is not created
import checkPropTypes from "check-prop-types"; // only required if checking prop types
  • Configure enzyme
    • doing this requires the following to be written in every test file
Enzyme.configure({adapter: new EnzymeAdapter()});
  • create a setupTests.js file in the src directory to enable auto configuration
    • non create-react-apps must create a jest.config.js file with the following configuration
      module.exports = {
      setupFilesAfterEnv: ["<rootDir>/src/setupTests.js"]
    • once the following file has been configured, this fill will always run first before running the tests
import Enzyme from "enzyme";
import EnzymeAdapter from "enzyme-adapter-react-16";

Enzyme.configure({adapter: new EnzymeAdapter()});
  • Create a setup function to enable shallow rendering
const setup = (props = {}, state = null) => {
return shallow(<App {...props} />);
  • Enable default props and overriding
const defaultProps = {success: false};

const setup = (props = {}, state = null) => {
const setupProps = {...defaultProps, ...props}; // ...props will overwrite defaultProps
return shallow(<App {...setupProps} />);
  • Create a function to find the component
export const findByTestAttr = (wrapper, val) => {
return wrapper.find(`[data-test="${val}"]`);

prevent data-test attribute from displaying in production

"babel": {
"env": {
"production": {
"plugins": [
["react-remove-properties", {"properties": ["data-test"]}]
"presets": ["react-app"]
  • build production

    npm run build

  • install a static server to run the production code

    npm i -g serve

  • run server

    serve -s build


  • shallow rendering
    • useful to constrain yourself to testing a component as a unit
    • ensure that your tests aren't indirectly asserting on behavior of child components
test("renders without crashing", () => {
const wrapper = shallow(<App />); // test fails if error is thrown
  • debug
    • returns DOM / HTML as a string of the wrapper for debugging purposes
    • useful to print out to the console when tests are not passing when you expect them to
test("renders without crashing", () => {
const wrapper = shallow(<App />); // test fails if error is thrown
  • render without error
test("renders without error", () => {
const wrapper = setup();
const appComponent = findByTestAttr(wrapper, "component-app");
  • using beforeEach to reuse code for all tests inside a describe
describe("describe the tests purpose", () => {
let wrapper;
beforeEach(() => {
wrapper = setup();
test("test something", () => {
const appComponent = findByTestAttr(wrapper, "component-app");
  • test initial state value
test("counter starts at 0", () => {
const wrapper = setup();
const initialCounterState = wrapper.state("counter"); // counter is the variable in the state
  • test clicking of button & state change
test("clicking button increments counter display", () => {
const counter = 7;
const wrapper = setup(null, {counter});

// find button and click
const button = findByTestAttr(wrapper, "increment-button");

// find display and test value
const counterDisplay = findByTestAttr(wrapper, "counter-display");
expect(counterDisplay.text()).toContain(counter + 1);
  • test props
test("renders no text when 'success' prop is false", () => {
const wrapper = setup({success: false});
const component = findByTestAttr(wrapper, "component-app");

test("renders non-empty message when 'success' prop is true", () => {
const wrapper = setup({success: false});
const message = findByTestAttr(wrapper, "component-message");
  • test prop types
test("does not throw warning with expected props", () => {
const exprectedProps = {success: false};
// replace ComponentName to the name of the component you are testing
const propError = checkPropTypes(
// can be refactored
import checkPropTypes from "check-prop-types";

export const checkProps = (component, conformingProps) => {
const propError = checkPropTypes(
// refactored to
test("does not throw warning with expected props", () => {
const exprectedProps = {success: false};
checkProps(Congrats, expectedProps);