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MongoDB Overview

  • it is a cross-platform
  • open source
  • document-oriented database that provides
    • high performance
    • high availability
    • horizontal scaling
    • rich query lanaguage
    • multiple storage engines
      • MMAPv1, In-Memory, WiredTiger
  • Document is a set of key-value pairs similar to JSON objects
  • Collection is a group of documents
  • Databases hold collections of documents
  • Advantages of documents
    • Native data types
    • No expensive joins
    • Dynamic schema

Getting started guide to setting up mongodb

  • go to root folder in app
  1. mkdir data
  2. mkdir data/db
  3. run: mongod --dbpath /myapp/data/db
  • leave it running when working with database

for debugging

  • open a new terminal and open a mongo shell
  • run: mongo
  • or run : mongo --host localhost:27017
    • 27017 is the default port mongodb uses

for graphical interface

  • open MongoDB Compass Community
  • ensure server is already run with mongod (refer to the above)
  • no settings is required, just click the connect button

Mongo shell basics

  • mongo uses the language called BSON (Binary JavaScript Object Notation)


  • display a list of basic features

show dbs

  • display all databases that was created

use databaseName

  • e.g.: use demo
  • all "db" called will be refered to demo database
  • use the database
  • database not created will be added into collections
  • but will not be display in "show dbs" until some data is added



Add 1 Collection

db.dataName.insertOne({key: "value"})

  • e.g.: db.dogs.insertOne({name: "Rusty", breed: "Mutt"})
  • dataName is a collection
  • add data into database
  • db is the database declared with use databaseName

Add multiple Collections

db.dataName.insertMany([{key1: "value1"}, {key2: "value2"}])

  • e.g.: db.dogs.insertMany([{name: "Rusty", breed: "Mutt"}, {name: "Bob", breed: "dog"}])
  • add data into database

Add 1 or multiple collections

db.dataName.insert({key: "value"})

  • e.g.: db.dogs.insert({name: "Rusty", breed: "Mutt"})

    db.dataName.insert([{key1: "value1"}, {key2: "value2"}])

  • e.g.: db.dogs.insert([{name: "Rusty", breed: "Mutt"}, {name: "Bob", breed: "dog"}])


  • e.g.: db.createCollection("dogs")
  • similar to insert but does not require data

show collections

  • display data added


  • find all data keys and values under dataName

Dos and Don'ts

√ db.dataName.find({ _id: ObjectId("fu438h9784hgf847") })  // need to be stored as a hash
x db.dataName.find({ _id: "fu438h9784hgf847 }) // does not work
√ db.dataName.find({ lastLogin: ISODate("2018-10-10T00:00:00") }) // need to be written this way to work for dates

db.dataName.find({key: "value"})

  • e.g.: db.dogs.find({name: "Rusty"})
  • find a specific data key and value under dataName

db.dataName.find({key1: "value1", key2: "value2"})

  • retrieve data that has all of the searched values

db.dataName.find({$ord: [{key1, "value1"}, {key2: "value2"}]})

  • retrieve data that has either "value1" or "value2"

db.dataName.find({key: {$gt: n}})

  • display values in comparison to n
  • gt = greater than n
  • lt = less than n
  • eq = equal to n
  • gte = greate than or equal to n
  • lte = less than or equal to n

db.dataName.find({key: {$in: ["value1", "value2"]}})

  • display all data(s) that consist of the value in the array["value1", "value2"]
  • nin == not in (inverse of in)

db.dataName.find({key: {$exists: n}})

  • if n == true, show all data that has the key field
  • if n == false, show all data that does not have the key field

db.dataName.find({}, {_id: n})

  • if n == 0, display everything except id
  • if n == 1, display only id


  • e.g.: db.dogs.find().limit(2)
  • limit search results by n

db.dataName.find().sort({key: n})

  • if n == 1, sort by ascending order
  • if n == -1, sort by descending order

db.dataName.find().sort({key1: n1, key2: n2})

  • sort by multiple fields
  • sort by key1 then by key2


db.dataName.updateOne({key: "value"}, {changeKey: "changeValue"})
db.dataName.replaceOne({key: "value"}, {changeKey: "changeValue"})
  • e.g.: db.dogs.updateOne({name: "Rusty"}, {breed: "Labradoodle"})
  • key and value required to find the position to change
  • this will rewrite everything to just {breed: "Labradoodle"} without the name object
db.dataName.updateOne({key, "value"}, {$set: {changeKey: "changeValue", addKey: addValue}})
db.dataName.update({key, "value"}, {$set: {changeKey: "changeValue", addKey: addValue}})
  • e.g.: db.dogs.updateOne({name: "Rusty"}, {$set: {breed: "Labradoodle", isCute: true}})
  • use $set: {} to ensure data that aren't called will not be deleted
  • this can be used to update and add new key value pair
  • this will only update ONE data object in collection
    • need to run multiple times to update all

db.dataName.updateMany({key, "value"}, {$set: {changeKey: "changeValue", addKey: addValue}})

  • this will update ALL data objects in collection

db.dataName.update({key, "value"}, {$set: {changeKey: "changeValue", addKey: addValue}, {multi: true}})

  • need to add {multi: true} to enable multiple updates

REMOVE (Delete value(s))

db.dataName.remove({key: "value"}, true)

  • justOne parameter need to set as true to delete only 1 value

    db.dataName.deleteOne({key: "value"})

  • delete 1 value

    db.dataName.remove({key: "value"}) db.dataName.deleteMany({key: "value"})

  • e.g.: db.dogs.remove({breed: "Labradoodle"})
  • this will remove all dogs that has the same breed value

db.dataName.remove({key: "value"}).limit(n)

  • e.g.: db.dogs.remove(breed: "Labradoodle").limit(1)
  • limit n number of data to remove

Delete collection


  • e.g.: db.dogs.drop()

Delete database


  • thi will delete the currently used database


{"document": {key1: "value1", key2: "value2"}}
filter: {key: "value"},
update: {$set: {changekey: "changeValue"}}
{filter: {key: "value"}}
  • enables multiple requests in ONE request

db.dataName.createIndex({key1: "text", key2: "text"})

  • provide text indexes to enable text search queries on string content

db.dataName.find({$text: {$search: "searchText1 searchText2"}})

  • $text query operator is required
  • $search operator required to start searching
  • key in the search contents
  • add - in front of searchText to exclude from search e.g.: -searchText1

db.dataName.find({$text: {$search: "\"search phrase\""}})

  • use \" to enable search by phrase

Get search scores

db.dataName.find({$text: {$search: "searchText"}, {score: {$meta: "textScore"}}})

  • need to add 1 score object to enable search rankings
  • search rankings enable sorting if required
  • $meta projection operator returns for each matching document the metadata



db.dataName.count({key: "value"})

  • this will count the total number of values that is in the data collection

List all values


  • display a list of values under key

Find the sum of values under key for each id key

{$match: {key: "value"}},
{$group: {_id: "$idKey1", total: {$sum: "$idKey2"}}}
  • $match operator is used to filter data in collection
    • use {} to search all
  • $group is used to group similar idKey1 together
    • $ is added in front of idKey1 to group them as a single unit
    • idKey1 refers to the key in the data to group similar values together
  • $sum gives the total sum of all the values given from idKey2
    • idKey2 refers to the key in the data to get all the different values
{$match: {key: "value"}},
{$group: {_id: "$idKey1", total: {$sum: "$idKey2"}}},
{$sort: {total: n}}
  • return value can be sorted by adding {$sort: {total: n}}
    • if n == 1, sort in ascending order
    • if n == -1, sort in descending order
string: "string",
int: 123,
double: 1.23,
boolean: true,
array: [1, 2, 3],
object: {key1: "value1", key2: "value2"},
date: new Date("<YYYY-mm-dd>"),
object_id: <ObjectId>,
no_value: null


Timestamp, Binary data, Regular expressions, javascript code

Getting started on nodejs

const { MongoClient } = require("mongodb");
const assert = require("assert");

// Connection URL
const url = "mongodb://localhost:27017/db_name";

// Use connect method to connect to the server
MongoClient.connect(url, (err, connection) => {
assert.equal(null, err)l
console.log("Connected correctly to server");