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Github Actions

In Github Reposition

  • Go to Settings
  • Click on Actions on the left sidebar
    • click on Runners
  • Click on New self-hosted runner
  • Select the runner image and architecture

In DigitalOcean

  • follow details shown at Github
  • example
    • Create a folder

      mkdir actions-runner && cd actions-runner

    • Download the latest runner package

      sudo curl -o actions-runner-osx-x64-2.294.0.tar.gz -L

    • Optional: Validate the hash

      echo "11041376754f6beaccb56101a3e79bf5fc5d6ff628460fa1ae419f9f439e24a2 actions-runner-osx-x64-2.294.0.tar.gz" | shasum -a 256 -c

    • Extract the installer

      sudo tar xzf ./actions-runner-osx-x64-2.294.0.tar.gz

    • Give permissions

      sudo chmod -R 777 ~/the/path/to/actions-runner

    • Create the runner and start the configuration experience

      ./ --url --token sdgsdgbershteht

      • enter name of runner
      • enter labels, ignore if not required
      • enter work folder, ignore if using default
      • at Github the runner will be available but offline
    • start runner
      • install service

        sudo ./ install

      • run service

        sudo ./ start

      • at Github the runner will be available but idle

In root directory of Project Repository

  • create yml file of any name in the following path, create folders if it does not exist

    • ~/projectName/.github/workflows/projectname.yml

    • contents

      name: portfolio CI

      branches: [dev]
      branches: [dev]

      runs-on: self-hosted

      - name: Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Build
      uses: actions/setup-node@v3
      node-version: 16
      - run: |
      yarn run build
      yarn run deploy-gh
  • git add, commit and push, github actions should work

How it works

  • github data will be updated on ~/the/path/to/actions-runner/_work/myrepo/myrepo/
    • whatever run commands declared will be run at this level