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  • long term support
    • brew install jenkins-lts
  • latest
    • brew install jenkins


Install jenkins image

  • long term support
    • docker pull jenkins/jenkins:lts-jdk11
  • latest
    • docker pull jenkins/jenkins

How to run


Start Jenkins server

  • brew services start jenkins-lts

Stop Jenkins server

  • brew services stop jenkins-lts

View server

  • http://localhost:8080/
    • paste admin password that was auto generated if first time setting up


Create new container

  • on local computer
    • docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v ~/jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home --name jenkins jenkins/jenkins
  • on cloud server
    • docker run -d -u 0 -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v ~/jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home --name jenkins --restart unless-stopped jenkins/jenkins:lts-jdk11

Get default admin password

  • docker exec -it jenkins bash
    • docker exec jenkins cat var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword

First time setup

  1. Click on Install suggested plugins
  2. Create admin account

Jenkins Interface

Create a job / project

  1. Click on New Item or Create new jobs link
  2. Select project type
  3. Set the required settings
  4. At the General tab
    • This project is parameterized option
      • String parameter
        • set variable name and default value
      • Choice parameter
        • set variable name
        • set choices: e.g.
      • Boolean parameter
        • set variable name
        • check default_value to set it as true, uncheck as false
  5. At the Build Triggers tab
    • Build periodically option
      • Jenkins scheduler format
        • * * * * * is min(0 - 59) hour(0 - 23) dayOfMonth(1 - 31) month(1 - 12) dayOfWeek(0 - 7)(Sunday=0 or 7)
          • use * for all range values e.g. all days of the week
      • Use H for hashed values to spread out jobs around the desired time
        • H 0 * * *
      • Simple aliases for general times
        • @hourly, @midnight, @daily, @monthly, @weekly, @annually
  6. At the Build tab
    • eg. select the Execute shell, then input the desired commands
  7. At the Post-build Actions tab
    • Can choose the file to archive for easy discovery and management
      • if unsure of file path use wild card **/artifactFile
  8. Click on Apply button to save changes and continue modifying the configurations
    • or click on the Save button to save configurations and exit

Build the created job / project: this will run the job

  • Click on the Build Now button
  • A job build history will be generated
  • To get the console output, click on the blue ball at the history row

Create View

  • Display jobs that meet a criteria
  • Views are like a filter
  • Deleting a view will only delete the view, however, jobs will not be deleted
  • New folders will not be able to be create inside except for All view

Create Folder

  • Folders group things together
    • contain jobs, views, and other folders
  • Provides a namespace that is separate from other folders in Jenkins
    • it is isolated and can contain items/jobs that have the same name as items/job in other folders
  • Create a new folder
    • select New Item button then select Folder
  • Can contain jobs, views, and folders
  • Deleting a folder will delete all jobs, views, and folders inside