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WSL Ubuntu

  • refer to the following website
    • Docker desktop version must be
    • there might be some issues while installing docker and docker compose within wsl
      • google it and solve the issue
        • might need to uninstall and upgrade certain softwares



  • it is a package or a template similar to a Virtual Machine template used to create 1 or more containers
  • images can be searched for, or created and pushed to docker hub repository (public)
    • a docker file is required with the developed app to create an image


  • it is a running instance of images that are isolated and have their own environments and set of processors


  • docker has 3 networks
    1. bridge

      docker run ubuntu

      • a private internal network created by docker on the host
        • all containers attach to this network by default
        • will get an internal IP address series
        • containers can access each other using the internal IP
        • to access containers from outside
          • map container ports to host ports
      • custom internal network can be created docker network create --drive bridge --subnet custom-isolated-network^name
    2. none

      docker run ubuntu --network=none

      • containers are isolated and are not attached to any network
      • does not have any access to external network or other containers
    3. host

      docker run ubuntu --network=host

      • this takes out any network isolation between the host and container
        • PORT conflicts will arise if PORT is already in use on the computer


Download and install image

  • Pulls an image or a repository from the docker hub registry

    docker pull [imageName]

  • similar to using the run command, however, this will only download once

    docker run [imageName]

List all images installed

docker images

Remove images

  • ensure that no containers are running before removing

    docker rmi [imageNameOrImageID]

    • remove all images docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq)

Update image

  • updates the image after modifying a container

    docker commit [containerName][imageNamge]

List all running containers

docker ps

  • list all containers including those that are not running

    docker ps -a

Start and Stop container

  • start

    docker start [containerName or containerId]

  • stop

    docker stop [containerName or containerId]

    • alternative docker kill [containerName or containerId]
    • stop all docker kill $(docker ps -q)

Remove a stopped container permanently

  • this will delete all saved data in the container
    • use volume mapping to enable persistent data

      docker rm [containerName]

  • remove all

    docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

Running a container

  • Creates a random container name and run it, it will stop and exit after all tasks are completed

    docker run [imageName]

  • Specify a name of the container

    docker run --name=someName [imageName]

Run a container with a specific version with tag

  • e.g.: running an image with version 4.0

    docker run imageName:4.0

map host PORT with container PORT with -p

  • By DEFAULT host PORT will use container PORT
  • to change default, need to map desired host PORT to the container PORT
    • e.g.: mapping host PORT 80 with container PORT 5000

      docker run -p 80:5000 [imageName]

Volume mapping to enable persistent data with the -v option

  • all files located in the specified host directory will be accessible in the specified container directory

    docker run -v hostFilePath:containerFilePath [containerName]

    • e.g.: docker run -v /c/Users/reshinto/shareFolder:/someFolder mysql-docker

Detach running container with the -d option

  • container can be detached and be runned in the background

    docker run -d [imageName]

Set Environment variables in the container with -e option

docker run -e VARIABLE_NAME=value [imageName]

Delete container when the container has stop running with --rm option

docker run --rm [imageName]

Execute a command externally

docker exec [commands]

Use -i option to enable interactive mode

Use -t option to enable terminal (-i and -t is usally used together as -it)

docker exec -it [containerName][commands]

  • e.g.: running mysql

    docker exec -it mysql-docker mysql -u root -p

Use bash terminal

  • -it option must be used together

    docker exec -it [containerName] bash

Execute 1 bash command

docker exec [containerName][command]

Copy files from host to container

docker cp filename [containerName]:pathToCopyTo

  • e.g.: saving a file to the root directory in the container

    docker cp file.sql mysql-docker:/

Inspect Container

  • see aditional detials about a specific container

    docker inspect [containerName]

View all Container logs

docker logs [containerName]

List all internal networks

docker network ls

Create my own image

  1. create a Dockerfile with the same name
  2. write a set of instructions in the Dockerfile
    • everything on the left in caps is an instruction, everything on the right is an argument
      • FROM [imageName]
        • docker image can be the OS or other apps like node
        • e.g.: latest ubuntu image

          FROM Ubuntu

        • e.g.: specific ubuntu version image

          FROM ubuntu:14.04

      • RUN [command]
        • use to install and update dependencies
        • e.g.

          RUN apt update

      • VOLUME ["/host/path/", "/container/path"]
        • defines shared or ephemeral mountable directories
        • shared data (avoid defining shared folders in Dockerfiles)

          VOLUME ["/shared-data"]

      • ADD file toThisFileAtThisDirectory
        • add local files

          ADD notes.txt /notes.txt

        • adds the contents of tar archives by uncompressing the archives and pasting the contents into the directory

          ADD project.tar.gz /install/

        • adds the file downloaded from a URL to a directory

          ADD /project/

      • ENV VARIABLE_NAME value
        • set environment variables

          ENV DB_PORT=5432

      • WORKDIR /path
        • sets the directory the container starts in

          WORKDIR /root

      • USER someValue
        • sets which user the container will run as

          USER arthur

      • COPY host/path to/path

        COPY . /opt/source-code

      • ENTRYPOINT VAR_NAME=/app/path/with/filename [command]
        • specifies the start of the command to run
        • use this if container acts like a command-line program
        • can be combined together with CMD

          ENTRYPOINT EXPRESS_APP=/opt/source-code/index.js node start

      • - defines the author of this Dockerfile
      • EXPOSE
        • maps a port into the container

          EXPOSE 8080

      • CMD command param1 or CMD ["command", "param1"]
        • specifies the whole command to run
        • use this if unsure
          • e.g.:

            CMD ["sleep", "5"]

        • parameters are optional

          CMD ["bash"]

        • when running docker, commands will be automatically be called

          docker run imageName

          • to change param1 value docker run imageName command newParam1Value
          • if command is declared in the ENTRYPOINT, calling command is not required docker run imageName newParam1Value
    • basic architecture
      FROM Ubuntu
      RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install python
      RUN pip install flask flask-mysql
      COPY . /opt/source-code
      ENTRYPOINT FLASK_APP=/opt/source-code/ flask run
    • basic app architecture
      FROM node
      WORKDIR /usr/src/app
      COPY package*.json ./
      RUN npm install
      COPY . .
      EXPOSE 4000
      CMD ["npm", "start"]
  3. create a .dockerignore file (ignore if not required)
  4. build image

    docker build -t imageName/appName .

  5. push to docker hub registry to make image public

    docker push imageName/appName