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Service Worker


  • A JS script that gets registered with the browser
  • stays registered with the browser even when offline
  • data can still be used despite internet being disconnected
  • can load content even with no connection
  • they cannot directly access the DOM
    • instead, it communicate with the pages it controls
      • by responding to messages sent by the post message interface
      • these pages can manipulate the DOM if needed
  • it is a programmable network proxy
    • allows you to control how network requests from your page are handled
  • it gets terminated when not being used
    • and gets restarted when they are needed again
  • makes use of ES6 promises
  • requires HTTPS unless on localhost

Normal request / response

  • web browser > remote server
  • browser fetches data, remote server returns data

With Service Worker

  • web browser > service worker > remote server
  • service worker acts as a middleman and can intercept request
    • it will then decide what should happened after intercepting the request
      • such as decide whether to show the remote version or offline version

Use Cases

  • most commonly used for offline browsing & caching assets & API calls
  • push notifications (Push & Notification API) are also a big part of service workers
    • these are notifications that will pop up on your desktop or mobile device
      • good for marketing and advertising
  • background data sync / preload
    • isn't yet fully supported for all browsers
    • a new API that lets you defer actions until the user has a stable connection
      • e.g.: a user likes a post on a social network,
        • in this case, a request needs to be sent to a server, which isn't possible due to the unstable connection
        • by using this browser sync API, it allows such action to be deferred or put on hold in the cache until connectivity is restored
          • then the post will get liked
  • used in Progressive Web Apps

Service Worker Lifecycle & Events

  • Register -> Install -> Activate
    • 1st step is to register the worker
    • 2nd install it by triggering the install event
    • 3rd activate it by triggering the activate event
    • then it can receive message events and functional events
      • e.g.: fetch (events), push (notifications), sync (background sync API)