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Apache Maven

  • standard definition
    • a software project management and comprehension tool
    • based on the concept of a Project Object Model (POM)
      • Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information
  • simple definition
    • a project management tool with a POM
    • a set of standards
    • a project life cycle
    • a dependency management system
    • logic for executing plugin goals at lifecycle phases
    • projects follow a consistent structure
    • projects are IDE agnostic
    • Maven allows for easy modifications to the project
    • Maven simplifies the declaration of project dependencies
    • it uses a POM file


  • install with brew

    brew install maven

  • check maven version

    mvn -version

Maven collector features

  • dependency management
  • ability to build lifecycle goals
  • ability to run unit tests

Project Object Model (POM)

  • it has a set of standards, a project lifecycle, a dependency management system, and logic for executing plugin at defined phases in a lifecycle
  • projects are set up with default behaviors
  • source code must be in the src/main/ folder
  • resources necessary for the project are in another folder
  • test cases are in a specifically name folder
  • target folder is used for the final JAR file

maven project structure

POM file

  • must include
    • project description
    • unique set of coordinates
      • highlighted by *
        • groupId
        • artifactId
        • version
    • project attributes
    • project's license
    • project version
    • program authors and contributors
    • dependencies
  • POM file can be separated into multiple POM files

POM structure

POM Categories

  • the POM contains all of the information about a project
  • the file is stored with an XML extension
  • minimum categories required
  • common categories
    • project coordinates
    • project's license
    • list of developers and contributors to the project
    • list of project dependencies
    • name of project
    • url associated with project
    • packaging type
    • scope of element
    • information about inheritance
  • build category
    • add build related plugins
    • pluginManagement tag is optional, also work without it
      • it is normally used in a parent POM
  • reporting category
    • add reporting related plugins
  • distributionManagement category is used for deploying
    <name>internal repository name</name>
    <url>hot to repository</url
  • server category is used to specify server definition
    • can also configure it in the settings.xml field
    <id>internal repo</id>

POM syntax

  • POM is documented in XML file
  • file is stored in base directory
  • syntax is similar to HTML file using < > tags
  • every open XML tag must have a closing XML tag
  • tags can be nested one inside the other
  • XML declaration is optional
  • all projects extend the super POM automatically
  • sample
    <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

POM properties

  • purpose
    • reduces duplication
      • often times when configuration POM, tend to put the same value for an item and properties
        • properties help to reduce this
    • streamlines configuration
      • often used in conjunction with a parent POM
    • helps keep items in sync
      • such as versions of similar libraries
      • properties allow you to leverage a version and reference it
    • aids in upgrades
      • can upgrade the property and it upgrades the rest for you

Parent POM

  • a POM file that is stand-alone (no code associated with it)
  • creates a list of dependency versions and plugins versions that the subordinate projects can leverage
  • provides a way to control versions in 1 place so the subordinate projects don't have to specify the version, only the dependency
  • it can provide properties and repositories
    • a tool use to manage versions and licenses
      • because can provide a pre-approved list of dependencies and artifacts
  • similar concept is a Reactor
    • it builds on the concept of a parent POM
    • used to build a group of related projects via the use of Parent POM
    • Maven commands are executed on the parent, and reactor executes the commands on each module or artifact in the reactor
      • the dependencies, if exists are handled in the correct order
    • building reactor although not hard, it is time consuming
    • structure example
      root - pom
      |_ module - POM
      |_ module - POM
      |_ module - POM
      • parent POM
      • child POM

features enabled by POM

  • includes
    • dependency management
    • access to remote repositories
    • universal reuse of build logic
    • tool portability and integration
      • allow IDEs to have a common place to find information about a project
    • easy searching and filtering of project artifacts

Maven Life Cycles

  1. Default
  2. Clean
  3. Site
  • each cycle has a few phases
  • phases must be executed in order
  • phrases are made up of goals
    • Goals
      • plugin goals are bound to phase of lifecycle
      • goals can be triggered individually
      • e.g.: mvn dependency:analyze
default life cycle phases
  • main lifecycle
  1. Validate
    • validate the project is correct
  2. Initialize
  3. Generate-sources
  4. Process-sources
  5. Generate-resources
  6. Process-resources
  7. Compile
    • compile the source of the project
  8. Process-classes
  9. Generate-test-sources
  10. Process-test-sources
  11. Generate-test-resources
  12. Process-test-resources
  13. Test-compile
  14. Process-test-classes
  15. Test
    • test the compiled source code using a unit testing framework
  16. Prepare-package
  17. Package
    • package the compiled code
  18. Pre-integration-test
  19. Integration-test
    • deploy the package into an environment where integration tests can be run
  20. Post-integration-test
  21. Verify
    • run any checks to verify the package is valid
  22. Install
    • install the package into the local repository
  23. Deploy
    • copies the final package to the remote repository
  • plugin goals can be attached to each lifecycle phase
  • maven executes the goals attached to each phase
  • each phase has 0 or more goals bound to it
  • when you run mvn install, multiple goals are executed
    • target/ folder with all the compiled code and jar file
  • in the package phase, it executes the JAR goal
clean life cycle phases
  • cleans project
  1. Pre-clean
  2. Clean
  3. Post-clean
site life cycle phases
  • generates project documentation
  1. Pre-site
  2. site
  3. post-site
  4. site-deploy

Maven Repository

  • central repository that contains open-source components
  • Maven creates a local repository at ~/.m2 location

Maven Dependency Management

  • check dependencies
    • dependencies could be used but not declared
    • unused dependencies will be found

      mvn dependency:analyze

  • check dependencies tree

    mvn dependency:tree

  • allows for code reuse
  • similar to using Java APIs
  • most programmers have used the Math API
  • dependencies are defined in the pom.xml file
    • <scope></scope> tag identifies what part of the life cycle the dependency is going to be used in
      • if scope tag is not included, it defaults to compile phase
      • tests related must have the `test
      • other scopes include
        • compile
          • the default scope
        • provided
          • used when JDK is expected to provide them
        • runtime
          • required for executing and testing, not compiling
        • test
          • not required during the normal operation of an app
        • system
          • similar to provided
          • but must specify the explicit path to the JAR on the locals file system

project dependencies

  • Maven supports internal and external dependencies
  • a common dependencies in Maven is junit, log4j, jaxen
  • sample
    <project ...>
  • using properties in parent POM example
    • in child pom file example
      • works fine if enforcer plugin is not added
      • verify with

        mvn clean verify

project relationships

  • Maven makes it easy to track down dependencies
  • example of external relationships are Log4j and JUnit
  • Internal is where project-a depends on project-b
  • they are established using the Maven coordinates
  • relationships are described as dependencies
  • projects can inherit project relationships

transitive dependencies

  • it is a dependency of a dependency
  • provides a mechanism to only declare dependencies that you want
    • thus you do not need to manage what dependencies is required from the dependencies that you need
  • rules
    • when 2 versions of the same artifact are needed
      • the closest to the actual project wins
        • e.g: actual project <- A needs package abc version 1.0 <- B needs package abc version 1.2
          • package abc version 1.0 wins
      • if dependencyManagement tag is used
        • the chosen version will be used
      • if declaring in local dependency
        • local overrides all other transitive dependencies

Best Practices

  • grouping common dependencies
  • can be done using multiple POM files
    • allows other projects to reuse POM file
  • choosing inheritance vs multi-module relationship
    • multi-module: used when components are unrelated
    • inheritance: used when projects share dependencies
  • proper indentation for pom.xml file
  • follow a standard layout where coordinates are listed first

Maven Plugins

  • a plugin is a collection of 1 or more goals
  • a goal is a unit of work in Maven
    • can view goals of a plugin in the maven plugin website

Core plugins

  • list of core plugins
    • Compiler plugin
      • contains goals for compiling source code and unit tests
    • Surefire plugin
      • used for executing unit tests and generating reports
    • others
      • clean, deploy, failsafe, install, resources, site, verifier
  • Maven also allows creating of custom plugins
    • it can be written in multiple languages
      • java, Groovy, Ruby, ...
  • list of maven plugins url
  • example of using a plugin and goal in the terminal
    • plugin: compiler, goal: compile

      mvn compiler:compile

Packaging tools plugin

  • list of packaging tools plugins
    • JAR plugin
      • creates JAR or Java Archive files
    • others
      • ear, ejb, rar, war, app-client/acr, shade, source, jlink, jmod
  • example of using a plugin and goal in the terminal
    • plugin: jar, goal: jar

      mvn jar:jar

Reporting plugins

  • list of reporting plugins
    • changelog plugin
    • changes plugin
    • checkstyle plugin
    • doap plugin
    • docck plugin
    • javadoc plugin
    • jdeps plugin
    • jxr plugin
    • linkcheck plugin
    • pmd plugin
    • project-info-reports plugin
    • surefire-report plugin
  • example of using a plugin and goal in the terminal
    • plugin: javadoc, goal: javadoc
      • javadoc auto saves report in target/site/apidocs/ directory
      • launch the index.html file to view generated report

        mvn javadoc:javadoc

Tools plugins

  • list of tools plugins
    • antrun, artifact, archetype, assembly, dependency, enforcer, gpg, help, invoker, jarsigner, jdeprscan, patch, pdf, plugin, release, remote-resources, scm, scm-publish, scripting, stage, toolchains, wrapper
  • use help to find out more about a plugin
    • example: archetype

      mvn help:describe -DgroupId=org.apache.maven.plugins -DartifactId=maven-archetype-plugin

Create a project with Maven

  • generate a new project with interactive mode

    mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart

  • -DgroupId: defines where the project is located

  • -DartifactId: app name, only use - to divide words

  • -Dversion: can just use the default version

  • -Dpackage: this should match with the groupId

Sample program

mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.projectname -DartifactId=appname -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DInteractiveMode=false

  • View the full pom file contents
    • in the same directory where the pom.xml file is located at

      mvn help:effective-pom

  • install the all dependencies and plugins

    mvn install

    • if a compilation error were to occur due to old version issue, add the following into the pom.xml file, just above the dependencies tag
  • run the app
    • method 1
      • -cp flag is used for class search path
        • it will search directories and look for zip/jar files
      • appname-1.0-SNAPSHOT is correct if default version is used

        java -cp target/appname-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar com.projectname.App

      • appname-0.0.1 is correct if 0.0.1 version is set

        java -cp target/appname-0.0.1.jar com.projectname.App

    • method 2
      • add maven-jar-plugin

        java -jar target/appname-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

    • method 3
      • add exec-maven-plugin

        mvn clean package exec:java

    • method 4
      • run with docker using maven
        <cmd>java -jar maven/${}-${project.version}.jar</cmd>
        <log>Hello World!</log>
      • packaging

        mvn package -Pdocker

      • package and run

        mvn install -Pdocker

Web app

mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.projectname -DartifactId=webappname -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp -DInteractiveMode=false

Unit testing with Maven

  • Maven provides built-in support for unit testing
  • JUnit is used to test app
  • Test/ directory is automatically created with a test app
  • run test

    mvn test

Add resources folder

  • add resources folder to add files for inputs
    • can be txt files
    • use Scanner library to read file in resources folder
  • for main folder
    • create resources folder in main folder
  • for test folder
    • create resources folder in testfolder

Packaging App

  • packaging information is stored in pom.xml file
  • default is jar if the type is omitted
  • run package
    • also works with mvn install, mvn test

      mvn package

    • add clean optional command to remove issues with other Maven operations

      mvn clean package

    • add site optional command to generate surefire documentation for us

      mvn clean package site