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Greedy Algorithm

  • an algorithm that makes a greedy choice / optimal choice at every single step in the solution or in the problem
    • the greedy choice is defined by some rule
      • that rule could be e.g.
        • select the largest number
        • or select the smallest number
        • select the element that has a certain property etc.
  • the algorithm can be quite complicated and can also be quite simple
  • 1 example that uses greedy algorithm is Dijkstra algorithm

Simple example


  • find the N numbers in the array that is equal to the largest sum
const array = [3, 4, -1, 2, -3, 0];
const n = 4;
  • the greedy algorithm approach to solving this problem is to simply select the largest number at every single step until we've selected n numbers


  • select the largest number 4, then the next largest 3, then the next largest 2, then the next largest 0
    • this gives the result 4 + 3 + 2 + 0 = 10

formal properties if true, greedy algorithm could be used to solve a problem

Greedy Choice Property

  • a global (overall) optimal solution can be reached by choosing the optimal choice at each step
  • greedy algorithms work on problems for which it is true that every step, there is a choice that is optimal for the problem up to that step
    • and after the last step, the algorithm produces the optimal solution of the complete problem

Optimal Substructure

  • a problem has an optimal substructure if an optimal solution to the entire problem contains the optimal solutions to the sub-problems
    • this means that every time a choice is made, one can treat that as a sub problem
    • an optimal substructure exists if all of the sub problems allow you to solve the larger problem as a whole
      • meaning if all of the solutions to these sub-problems combined allow you to have a full, optimal solution to the entire problem, then you can use the greedy algorithm

Greedy Algorithm application

Fractional Knapsack Problem

  • this is a backpack that has the following design
    • the goal is to fill the backpack with as much value as possible without going over it's capacity
    • so how do we use a greedy algorithm to solve this problem?
capacity = 25

Item Size Value
0 22 19
1 10 9
2 9 9
3 7 6


  • you can select a fractional amount of any of these items
    • this means that, instead of selecting one of item 1, we can select e.g. half of item 1 instead
  • first approach
select item 3
total current capacity = 7
total current value = 6

select item 2
total current capacity = 7 + 9 = 16
total current value = 6 + 9 = 15

select item 1 (this fails)
total current capacity = 7 + 9 + 10 = 26
total current value = 6 + 9 + 9 = 24

change to select 90% of item 1
total current capacity = 7 + 9 + (10 * 0.9) = 25
total current value = 6 + 9 + (9 * 0.9) = 23.1
  • second approach
select item 0
total current capacity = 22
total current value = 19

select item 2 since it has the same value as item 1 but smaller in size (this fails)
total current capacity = 22 + 9 = 31
total current value = 19 + 9 = 28

change to select 33% of item 1
total current capacity = 22 + (9 * 0.33) = 25
total current value = 19 + (9 * 0.33) = 22
  • the above 2 approaches does not give the most optimal choice, as there is a better solution for this case, which is to use best value to size ratio
    • therefore the items with the best value over size ratio will the best item to select
capacity = 25

Item Size Value Value/Size
0 22 19 0.8636
1 10 9 0.9
2 9 9 1
3 7 6 0.857
  • this shows that the best items to select goes in the following order 2, 1, 0, 3
    • this means that we should take as much as possible from the first selection onwards
select item 2 (this is the best so take all of it)
total current capacity = 9
total current value = 9

select item 1 (this is the 2nd best so take all of it)
total current capacity = 9 + 10 = 19
total current value = 9 + 9 = 18

select item 0 (this is the 3rd best so take as much as possible, ~27%)
total current capacity = 9 + 10 + (22 * 0.27) = 25
total current value = 9 + 9 + (19 * 0.27)= 23.13

Knapsack Problem

using of greedy algorithm for this example will fail

  • use the same problem, however selecting a fractional amount of the item is no longer allowed
capacity = 25

Item Size Value
0 22 19
1 10 9
2 9 9
3 7 6
  • using the best order approach in the previous example 2, 1, 0
select item 2
total current capacity = 9
total current value = 9

select item 1
total current capacity = 9 + 10 = 19
total current value = 9 + 9 = 18
  • the best answer should have been
select item 0
total current capacity = 22
total current value = 19
for this case, using of dynamic programming might be a better solution than to using a greedy algorithm