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Generate Document

You're given a string of available characters and a string representing a document that you need to generate. Write a function that determines if you can generate the document using the available characters. If you can generate the document, your function should return true; otherwise, it should return false

You're only able to generate the document if the frequency of unique characters in the characters string is greater than or equal to the frequency of unique characters in the document string. For example, if you're given characters = "abcabc" and document = "aabbccc" you cannot generate the document because you're missing one c

The document that you need to create may contain any characters, including special characters, capital letters, numbers, and spaces.

Note: you can always generate the empty string ("")

Sample Input characters = "Bste!hetsi ogEAxpelrt x " document = "AlgoExpert is the Best!" Sample Output true

# solution 1
def generateDocument(characters, document):
# Write your code here.
result = False
newChars = list(characters)
if document == "":
return True
for v in document:
if v in newChars:
result = True
return False
return result

# solution 2
def generateDocument(characters, document):
# Write your code here.
memo = {}

for v in characters:
if v not in memo:
memo[v] = 0
memo[v] += 1

for v in document:
if v not in memo or not memo[v]:
return False
memo[v] -= 1
return True

# solution 3
def generateDocument(characters, document):
# Write your code here.
for v in document:
charF = charFreq(v, characters)
docF = charFreq(v, document)
if docF > charF:
return False
return True

def charFreq(c, string):
freq = 0
for v in string:
if c == v:
freq += 1
return freq
// solution 1
function generateDocument(characters, document) {
// Write your code here.
for (let v of document) {
const charFreq = charsFreq(v, characters);
const docFreq = charsFreq(v, document);
if (docFreq > charFreq) {
return false;
return true;

function charsFreq(c, string) {
freq = 0;
for (let v of string) {
if (v === c) {
return freq;

// solution 2
function generateDocument(characters, document) {
// Write your code here.
const memo = {};
for (let i = 0; i < characters.length; i++) {
if (!memo[characters[i]]) {
memo[characters[i]] = 0;

for (let i = 0; i < document.length; i++) {
if (!memo[document[i]]) {
return false;
return true;