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Singly Linked List Example


function defaultEquals<T>(a: T, b: T): boolean {
return a === b;


class Node<T> {
constructor(public element: T, public next?: Node<T>) {}

Linked List

class LinkedList<T> {
protected count = 0;
protected head?: Node<T>;

* @description:
* @param {T} element
public push(element: T) {
const node = new Node(element);
let current;

if (this.head == null) {
// add directly when the first element
this.head = node;
} else {
// find the last element, add after it
current = this.getNodeAt(this.size() - 1); = node;

// Finally increment the count by 1
* @description: Get the node at the specified index
* @param {number} index
* @return {Node<T>} Returns the node at the specified index
public getNodeAt(index: number): Node<T> {
if (index >= 0 && index <= this.count) {
let node = this.head;
// How many times to iterate on from the first node
for (let i = 0; i < index && node != null; i++) {
node =;
return node;
return undefined;

* @description: Get the element at the specified index
* @param {number} index
* @return {T} Returns the element at the specified index
public getElementAt(index: number): T {
return this.getNodeAt(index)?.element;

* @description: Inserts an element at the specified index
* @param {T} element
* @param {number} index
* @return {boolean} Returns whether the insertion was successful
public insert(element: T, index: number) {
if (index >= 0 && index <= this.count) {
const node = new Node(element);

// Insert elements are also divided into "first" and "non-first" cases
if (index === 0) {
const current = this.head; = current;
this.head = node;
} else {
// Untangle the next link at this location and insert a new node
const previous = this.getNodeAt(index - 1); =; = node;
return true;
return false;

* @description: removes the element at the specified index
* @param {number} index
* @return {T} Returns the removed element
public removeAt(index: number) {
if (index >= 0 && index < this.count) {
let current = this.head;

// Inserting and removing elements is also divided into two cases: "first" and "non-first"
if (index === 0) {
this.head =;
} else {
const previous = this.getNodeAt(index - 1);
current =; =;
return current.element;
return undefined;

* @description: remove the specified element
* @param {T} element
* @return {T} element returns the removed element
public remove(element: T): T {
const index = this.indexOf(element);
return this.removeAt(index);

* @description: Returns the index of the specified element (only the first equal from the front is returned)
* @param {T} element
* @return {number} index
public indexOf(element: T): number {
let current = this.head;

// iterate over looking for equal elements
for (let i = 0; i < this.size() && current != null; i++) {
// use the method to determine equality
if (defaultEquals(element, current.element)) {
return i;
current =;

return -1;

* @description:
* @return {boolean}
public isEmpty(): boolean {
return this.size() === 0;

* @description:
* @return {number}
public size(): number {
return this.count;

* @description: Get the first node of the linked list
* @return {Node<T>}
public getHead(): Node<T> {
return this.head;

* @description:
public clear() {
this.head = undefined;
this.count = 0;

* @description:
* @return {string}
public toString(): string {
if (this.head == null) {
return "";
let objString = `${this.head.element}`;
let current =;
for (let i = 1; i < this.size() && current != null; i++) {
objString = `${objString},${current.element}`;
current =;
return objString;