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Stack Example

class Stack<T> {
// stored Map
private items: Map<number, T>;

constructor() {
this.items = new Map();

* @description: push onto the stack
* @param {T} element
public push(element: T) {
this.items.set(this.items.size, element);

* @description:
* @return {T}
public pop(): T {
if (this.isEmpty()) {
return undefined;
const result = this.items.get(this.items.size - 1);
this.items.delete(this.items.size - 1);
return result;

* @description: Returns the top element of the stack
* @return {T}
public peek(): T {
if (this.isEmpty()) {
return undefined;
return this.items.get(this.items.size - 1);

* @description:
* @return {Boolean}
public isEmpty(): boolean {
return this.items.size === 0;

* @description:
* @return {Number}
public size(): number {
return this.items.size;

* @description:
public clear() {

* @description:
* @return {String}
public toString(): string {
if (this.isEmpty()) {
return "";
let result: string = "";
this.items.forEach((value, key) => {
result = `${result}${key === 0 ? "" : ","}${value}`;
return result;