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TypeScript Example


enum Colors {
Red = 0,
Black = 1,
enum Compare {
LessThan = -1,
BiggerThan = 1,
Equals = 0,

function compare<T>(a: T, b: T): number {
if (a === b) {
return Compare.Equals;
return a < b ? Compare.LessThan : Compare.BiggerThan;

Red Black Node

class RedBlackNode<T> extends Node<T> {
left: RedBlackNode<T> = null;
right: RedBlackNode<T> = null;
parent: RedBlackNode<T> = null;
color: Colors; // The red-black tree node has a special attribute of color

constructor(public value: T) {
this.color = Colors.Red; // The default color of the node is red

public isRed() {
return this.color === Colors.Red;

public flipColor() {
// solution 1
if (this.color === Colors.Red) {
this.color = Colors.Black;
} else {
this.color = Colors.Red;
// solution 2: Bitwise operation inverts the color of the node
// this.color = 1 ^ this.color;

not refactored Red Black Tree example (with parent attribute)

class RedBlackTree<T> extends BinarySearchTree<T> {
protected root: RedBlackNode<T> = null;

* Left left case: rotate right
* b a
* / \ / \
* a e -> rotationRight(b) -> c b
* / \ / \
* c d d e
* @param node Node<T>
private rotationRight(node: RedBlackNode<T>) {
const tmp = node.left;
node.left = tmp.right;
if (tmp.right && tmp.right.value) {
tmp.right.parent = node;
tmp.parent = node.parent;
if (!node.parent) {
this.root = tmp;
} else {
if (node === node.parent.left) {
node.parent.left = tmp;
} else {
node.parent.right = tmp;
tmp.right = node;
node.parent = tmp;

* Right right case: rotate left
* a b
* / \ / \
* c b -> rotationLeft(a) -> a e
* / \ / \
* d e c d
* @param node Node<T>
private rotationLeft(node: RedBlackNode<T>) {
const tmp = node.right;
node.right = tmp.left;
if (tmp.left && tmp.left.value) {
tmp.left.parent = node;
tmp.parent = node.parent;
if (!node.parent) {
this.root = tmp;
} else {
if (node === node.parent.left) {
node.parent.left = tmp;
} else {
node.parent.right = tmp;
tmp.left = node;
node.parent = tmp;

public insert(value: T) {
// special case: first value
if (this.root === null) {
this.root = new RedBlackNode(value);
this.root.color = Colors.Black;
} else {
const newNode = this.insertNode(this.root, value);

protected insertNode(node: RedBlackNode<T>, value: T): RedBlackNode<T> {
if (compare(value, node.value) === Compare.LessThan) {
if (node.left === null) {
node.left = new RedBlackNode(value);
node.left.parent = node;
return node.left;
} else {
return this.insertNode(node.left, value);
} else if (node.right === null) {
node.right = new RedBlackNode(value);
node.right.parent = node;
return node.right;
} else {
return this.insertNode(node.right, value);

private fixTreeProperties(node: RedBlackNode<T>) {
while (
node &&
node.parent &&
node.parent.color === Colors.Red &&
node.color !== Colors.Black
) {
let parent = node.parent;
const grandParent = parent.parent;

// case A
if (grandParent && grandParent.left === parent) {
const uncle = grandParent.right;

// case 1: uncle of node is also red - only recoloring
if (uncle && uncle.color === Colors.Red) {
grandParent.color = Colors.Red;
parent.color = Colors.Black;
uncle.color = Colors.Black;
node = grandParent;
} else {
// case 2: node is right child - left rotate
if (node === parent.right) {
node = parent;
parent = node.parent;

// case 3: node is left child - right rotate
// swap color
parent.color = Colors.Black;
grandParent.color = Colors.Red;
node = parent;
} else {
// case B: parent is right child of grand parent

const uncle = grandParent.left;

// case 1: uncle is read - only recoloring
if (uncle && uncle.color === Colors.Red) {
grandParent.color = Colors.Red;
parent.color = Colors.Black;
uncle.color = Colors.Black;
node = grandParent;
} else {
// case 2: node is left child - left rotate
if (node === parent.left) {
node = parent;
parent = node.parent;

// case 3: node is right child - left rotate
// swap color
parent.color = Colors.Black;
grandParent.color = Colors.Red;
node = parent;
this.root.color = Colors.Black;

public getRoot() {
return this.root;

refactored Red Black Tree (without parent attribute)

class RedBlackTree<T> extends BinarySearchTree<T> {
protected root: RedBlackNode<T> = null;

* Left left case: rotate right
* Whether it is left-handed or right-handed,
* the implementation is similar to the left-handed and right-handed AVL tree
* a c
* / \ / \
* c b -> rotateRight(a) -> d a
* / \ / \
* d e e b
* @param node Node<T>
private rotateRight(node: RedBlackNode<T>): RedBlackNode<T> {
const tmp = node.left;
node.left = tmp.right;
tmp.right = node;
tmp.color = node.color;
node.color = Colors.Red;
return tmp;

* Right right case: rotate left
* b d
* / \ / \
* a d -> rotateLeft(b) -> b e
* / \ / \
* c e a c
* @param node Node<T>
private rotateLeft(node: RedBlackNode<T>): RedBlackNode<T> {
const tmp = node.right;
node.right = tmp.left;
tmp.left = node;
tmp.color = node.color;
node.color = Colors.Red;
return tmp;

* @description: Insert element
public insert(value: T) {
this.root = this.insertNode(this.root, value);
this.root.color = Colors.Black;

* @description: recursive method to add element
protected insertNode(node: RedBlackNode<T>, value: T): RedBlackNode<T> {
// Baseline condition, if inserted into a blank node, insert a red node
if (node === null) {
let node = new RedBlackNode(value);
node.color = Colors.Red;
return node;

if (compare(value, node.value) === Compare.LessThan) {
node.left = this.insertNode(node.left, value);
} else if (compare(value, node.value) === Compare.BiggerThan) {
node.right = this.insertNode(node.right, value);
} else {
node.value = value;

return this.balance(node);

* @description: remove minimum element
public deleteMin() {
if (this.root) return;

// If the left and right sides of the root node are black, set the root node to red
if (!this.isRed(this.root.left) && !this.isRed(this.root.right))
this.root.color = Colors.Red;

// call recursive method that deletes the smallest value
this.root = this.deleteMinNode(this.root);
// Finally correct the root node color to black
if (this.root) this.root.color = Colors.Black;

* @description: Recursive method to delete smallest element
private deleteMinNode(node: RedBlackNode<T>): RedBlackNode<T> {
if (node.left === null) return null;

// If the left and right nodes are black, call moveRedLeft
if (!this.isRed(node.left) && !this.isRed(node.left.left))
node = this.moveRedLeft(node);

// recursively call to find the smallest value after deletion
node.left = this.deleteMinNode(node.left);
// Balance nodes after each recursion
return this.balance(node);

* @description: remove max element
public deleteMax() {
if (!this.root) return;

// If all children of the root node are black, set the root node to red
if (!this.isRed(this.root.left) && !this.isRed(this.root.right))
this.root.color = Colors.Red;

// Call the recursive method that deletes the largest node and assign to root
this.root = this.deleteMaxNode(this.root);
// Correct the root node color to black
if (this.root) this.root.color = Colors.Black;

* @description: Recursive method to delete largest element
private deleteMaxNode(node: RedBlackNode<T>): RedBlackNode<T> {
// When the left child node is red, rotate right
if (this.isRed(node.left)) node = this.rotateRight(node);

if (node.right === null) return null;

// If the left and right nodes are black, call moveRedRight
if (!this.isRed(node.right) && !this.isRed(node.right.left))
node = this.moveRedRight(node);

// recursively call to find max value after deletion
node.right = this.deleteMaxNode(node.right);

// balance nodes after each recursion
return this.balance(node);

* @description: delete the specified element
public delete(value: T) {
// return directly if there is no node
if (! return;

// If all children of the root node are black, set the root node to red
if (!this.isRed(this.root.left) && !this.isRed(this.root.right))
this.root.color = Colors.Red;

// call recursive method to delete node
this.root = this.deleteNode(this.root, value);
// Correct the root node color to black
if (this.root) this.root.color = Colors.Black;

* @description: Recursive method to delete specified element
private deleteNode(node: RedBlackNode<T>, value: T): RedBlackNode<T> {
// if the value is smaller than the current node
if (compare(value, node.value) === Compare.LessThan) {
if (!this.isRed(node.left) && !this.isRed(node.left?.left))
node = this.moveRedLeft(node);
// continue recursion
node.left = this.deleteNode(node.left, value);
// if value is not less than current node
} else {
if (this.isRed(node.left)) node = this.rotateRight(node);

// The corresponding node is found and the right child node is empty
if (compare(value, node.value) === Compare.Equals && node.right === null)
return null;

// If the left and right nodes are black, call moveRedRight
if (!this.isRed(node.right) && !this.isRed(node.right?.left))
node = this.moveRedRight(node);

// The corresponding node is found, and the right child node is not empty
if (compare(value, node.value) === Compare.Equals) {
const x = this.minNode(node.right);
node.value = x.value;
node.right = this.deleteMinNode(node.right);
// if not found, continue recursion
} else {
// If the corresponding node is not found, continue recursion
node.right = this.deleteNode(node.right, value);
// balance nodes after each recursion
return this.balance(node);

* @description: return root node
public getRoot(): RedBlackNode<T> {
return this.root;

* @description: fix node color
private flipColors(node: RedBlackNode<T>) {

* @description: Balanced tree
private balance(node: RedBlackNode<T>): RedBlackNode<T> {
// The core algorithm generates a left-leaning red-black tree through three lines of judgment
// Right red and left black, rotate left to rotate the red node to the left
if (this.isRed(node.right) && !this.isRed(node.left))
node = this.rotateLeft(node);
// Left red and left left are also red, rotate right
if (this.isRed(node.left) && this.isRed(node.left?.left))
node = this.rotateRight(node);
// Whether it is rotated out or inserted naturally, as long as the two reds are siblings, they will change color and move the red one layer up
if (this.isRed(node.left) && this.isRed(node.right)) this.flipColors(node);
return node;

* @description: If the node is red and the left and right are black, make the left or left child node red
private moveRedLeft(node: RedBlackNode<T>): RedBlackNode<T> {
if (this.isRed(node.right.left)) {
node.right = this.rotateRight(node.right);
node = this.rotateLeft(node);
return node;

* @description: If the node is red, and the node's right and right-left are black, make the node's right or right child red
private moveRedRight(node: RedBlackNode<T>): RedBlackNode<T> {
if (this.isRed(node.left.left)) {
node = this.rotateLeft(node);
return node;

* @description: Determine if the node is red
private isRed(node: RedBlackNode<T>) {
// If empty, assume as black
// This is very important, equivalent to all black empty nodes at the bottom of the tree
if (!node) {
return false;
return node.isRed();