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Example 2

import XCTest

class ObserverRealWorld: XCTestCase {

func test() {

let cartManager = CartManager()

let navigationBar = UINavigationBar()
let cartVC = CartViewController()

cartManager.add(subscriber: navigationBar)
cartManager.add(subscriber: cartVC)

let apple = Food(id: 111, name: "Apple", price: 10, calories: 20)
cartManager.add(product: apple)

let tShirt = Clothes(id: 222, name: "T-shirt", price: 200, size: "L")
cartManager.add(product: tShirt)

cartManager.remove(product: apple)

protocol CartSubscriber: CustomStringConvertible {

func accept(changed cart: [Product])

protocol Product {

var id: Int { get }
var name: String { get }
var price: Double { get }

func isEqual(to product: Product) -> Bool

extension Product {

func isEqual(to product: Product) -> Bool {
return id ==

struct Food: Product {

var id: Int
var name: String
var price: Double

/// Food-specific properties
var calories: Int

struct Clothes: Product {

var id: Int
var name: String
var price: Double

/// Clothes-specific properties
var size: String

class CartManager {

private lazy var cart = [Product]()
private lazy var subscribers = [CartSubscriber]()

func add(subscriber: CartSubscriber) {
print("CartManager: I'am adding a new subscriber: \(subscriber.description)")

func add(product: Product) {
print("\nCartManager: I'am adding a new product: \(")

func remove(subscriber filter: (CartSubscriber) -> (Bool)) {
guard let index = subscribers.firstIndex(where: filter) else { return }
subscribers.remove(at: index)

func remove(product: Product) {
guard let index = cart.firstIndex(where: { $0.isEqual(to: product) }) else { return }
print("\nCartManager: Product '\(' is removed from a cart")
cart.remove(at: index)

private func notifySubscribers() {
subscribers.forEach({ $0.accept(changed: cart) })

extension UINavigationBar: CartSubscriber {

func accept(changed cart: [Product]) {
print("UINavigationBar: Updating an appearance of navigation items")

open override var description: String { return "UINavigationBar" }

class CartViewController: UIViewController, CartSubscriber {

func accept(changed cart: [Product]) {
print("CartViewController: Updating an appearance of a list view with products")

open override var description: String { return "CartViewController" }
CartManager: I'am adding a new subscriber: UINavigationBar
CartManager: I'am adding a new subscriber: CartViewController

CartManager: I'am adding a new product: Apple
UINavigationBar: Updating an appearance of navigation items
CartViewController: Updating an appearance of a list view with products

CartManager: I'am adding a new product: T-shirt
UINavigationBar: Updating an appearance of navigation items
CartViewController: Updating an appearance of a list view with products

CartManager: Product 'Apple' is removed from a cart
UINavigationBar: Updating an appearance of navigation items
CartViewController: Updating an appearance of a list view with products