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Example 2

import Foundation
import XCTest

protocol Notification: CustomStringConvertible {

func accept(visitor: NotificationPolicy) -> Bool

struct Email {

let emailOfSender: String

var description: String { return "Email" }

struct SMS {

let phoneNumberOfSender: String

var description: String { return "SMS" }

struct Push {

let usernameOfSender: String

var description: String { return "Push" }

extension Email: Notification {

func accept(visitor: NotificationPolicy) -> Bool {
return visitor.isTurnedOn(for: self)

extension SMS: Notification {

func accept(visitor: NotificationPolicy) -> Bool {
return visitor.isTurnedOn(for: self)

extension Push: Notification {

func accept(visitor: NotificationPolicy) -> Bool {
return visitor.isTurnedOn(for: self)

protocol NotificationPolicy: CustomStringConvertible {

func isTurnedOn(for email: Email) -> Bool

func isTurnedOn(for sms: SMS) -> Bool

func isTurnedOn(for push: Push) -> Bool

class NightPolicyVisitor: NotificationPolicy {

func isTurnedOn(for email: Email) -> Bool {
return false

func isTurnedOn(for sms: SMS) -> Bool {
return true

func isTurnedOn(for push: Push) -> Bool {
return false

var description: String { return "Night Policy Visitor" }

class DefaultPolicyVisitor: NotificationPolicy {

func isTurnedOn(for email: Email) -> Bool {
return true

func isTurnedOn(for sms: SMS) -> Bool {
return true

func isTurnedOn(for push: Push) -> Bool {
return true

var description: String { return "Default Policy Visitor" }

class BlackListVisitor: NotificationPolicy {

private var bannedEmails = [String]()
private var bannedPhones = [String]()
private var bannedUsernames = [String]()

init(emails: [String], phones: [String], usernames: [String]) {
self.bannedEmails = emails
self.bannedPhones = phones
self.bannedUsernames = usernames

func isTurnedOn(for email: Email) -> Bool {
return bannedEmails.contains(email.emailOfSender)

func isTurnedOn(for sms: SMS) -> Bool {
return bannedPhones.contains(sms.phoneNumberOfSender)

func isTurnedOn(for push: Push) -> Bool {
return bannedUsernames.contains(push.usernameOfSender)

var description: String { return "Black List Visitor" }

class VisitorRealWorld: XCTestCase {

func testVisitorRealWorld() {

let email = Email(emailOfSender: "")
let sms = SMS(phoneNumberOfSender: "+3806700000")
let push = Push(usernameOfSender: "Spammer")

let notifications: [Notification] = [email, sms, push]

clientCode(handle: notifications, with: DefaultPolicyVisitor())

clientCode(handle: notifications, with: NightPolicyVisitor())

extension VisitorRealWorld {

/// Client code traverses notifications with visitors and checks whether a
/// notification is in a blacklist and should be shown in accordance with a
/// current SilencePolicy

func clientCode(handle notifications: [Notification], with policy: NotificationPolicy) {

let blackList = createBlackList()

print("\nClient: Using \(policy.description) and \(blackList.description)")

notifications.forEach { item in

guard !item.accept(visitor: blackList) else {
print("\tWARNING: " + item.description + " is in a black list")

if item.accept(visitor: policy) {
print("\t" + item.description + " notification will be shown")
} else {
print("\t" + item.description + " notification will be silenced")

private func createBlackList() -> BlackListVisitor {
return BlackListVisitor(emails: [""],
phones: ["000000000", "1234325232"],
usernames: ["Spammer"])
Client: Using Default Policy Visitor and Black List Visitor
Email notification will be shown
SMS notification will be shown
WARNING: Push is in a black list

Client: Using Night Policy Visitor and Black List Visitor
Email notification will be silenced
SMS notification will be shown
WARNING: Push is in a black list