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Example 2

import Foundation
import UIKit
import XCTest

enum AuthType {
case login
case signUp

protocol AuthViewFactory {

static func authView(for type: AuthType) -> AuthView
static func authController(for type: AuthType) -> AuthViewController

class StudentAuthViewFactory: AuthViewFactory {

static func authView(for type: AuthType) -> AuthView {
print("Student View has been created")
switch type {
case .login: return StudentLoginView()
case .signUp: return StudentSignUpView()

static func authController(for type: AuthType) -> AuthViewController {
let controller = StudentAuthViewController(contentView: authView(for: type))
print("Student View Controller has been created")
return controller

class TeacherAuthViewFactory: AuthViewFactory {

static func authView(for type: AuthType) -> AuthView {
print("Teacher View has been created")
switch type {
case .login: return TeacherLoginView()
case .signUp: return TeacherSignUpView()

static func authController(for type: AuthType) -> AuthViewController {
let controller = TeacherAuthViewController(contentView: authView(for: type))
print("Teacher View Controller has been created")
return controller

protocol AuthView {

typealias AuthAction = (AuthType) -> ()

var contentView: UIView { get }
var authHandler: AuthAction? { get set }

var description: String { get }

class StudentSignUpView: UIView, AuthView {

private class StudentSignUpContentView: UIView {

/// This view contains a number of features available only during a
/// STUDENT authorization.

var contentView: UIView = StudentSignUpContentView()

/// The handler will be connected for actions of buttons of this view.
var authHandler: AuthView.AuthAction?

override var description: String {
return "Student-SignUp-View"

class StudentLoginView: UIView, AuthView {

private let emailField = UITextField()
private let passwordField = UITextField()
private let signUpButton = UIButton()

var contentView: UIView {
return self

/// The handler will be connected for actions of buttons of this view.
var authHandler: AuthView.AuthAction?

override var description: String {
return "Student-Login-View"

class TeacherSignUpView: UIView, AuthView {

class TeacherSignUpContentView: UIView {

/// This view contains a number of features available only during a
/// TEACHER authorization.

var contentView: UIView = TeacherSignUpContentView()

/// The handler will be connected for actions of buttons of this view.
var authHandler: AuthView.AuthAction?

override var description: String {
return "Teacher-SignUp-View"

class TeacherLoginView: UIView, AuthView {

private let emailField = UITextField()
private let passwordField = UITextField()
private let loginButton = UIButton()
private let forgotPasswordButton = UIButton()

var contentView: UIView {
return self

/// The handler will be connected for actions of buttons of this view.
var authHandler: AuthView.AuthAction?

override var description: String {
return "Teacher-Login-View"

class AuthViewController: UIViewController {

fileprivate var contentView: AuthView

init(contentView: AuthView) {
self.contentView = contentView
super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)

required convenience init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
return nil

class StudentAuthViewController: AuthViewController {

/// Student-oriented features

class TeacherAuthViewController: AuthViewController {

/// Teacher-oriented features

private class ClientCode {

private var currentController: AuthViewController?

private lazy var navigationController: UINavigationController = {
guard let vc = currentController else { return UINavigationController() }
return UINavigationController(rootViewController: vc)

private let factoryType: AuthViewFactory.Type

init(factoryType: AuthViewFactory.Type) {
self.factoryType = factoryType

/// MARK: - Presentation

func presentLogin() {
let controller = factoryType.authController(for: .login)
navigationController.pushViewController(controller, animated: true)

func presentSignUp() {
let controller = factoryType.authController(for: .signUp)
navigationController.pushViewController(controller, animated: true)

/// Other methods...

class AbstractFactoryRealWorld: XCTestCase {

func testFactoryMethodRealWorld() {

#if teacherMode
let clientCode = ClientCode(factoryType: TeacherAuthViewFactory.self)
let clientCode = ClientCode(factoryType: StudentAuthViewFactory.self)

/// Present LogIn flow
print("Login screen has been presented")

/// Present SignUp flow
print("Sign up screen has been presented")
Teacher View has been created
Teacher View Controller has been created
Login screen has been presented
Teacher View has been created
Teacher View Controller has been created
Sign up screen has been presented