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Example 2

from copy import deepcopy

class Car:
def __init__(self):
self.__wheels = list()
self.__engine = None
self.__body = None

def setBody(self, body):
self.__body = body

def attachWheel(self, wheel):

def setEngine(self, engine):
self.__engine = engine

def specification(self):
print("body: %s" % self.__body.shape)
print("engine horsepower: %d" % self.__engine.horsepower)
print("tire size: %d\'" % self.__wheels[0].size)

def clone(self):
return deepcopy(self)

# === Car parts ===
class Wheel:
size = None

class Engine:
horsepower = None

class Body:
shape = None

class Director:
__builder = None

def setBuilder(self, builder):
self.__builder = builder

# The algorithm for assembling a car
def getCar(self):
car = Car()

# First goes the body
body = self.__builder.getBody()

# Then engine
engine = self.__builder.getEngine()

# And four wheels
i = 0
while i < 4:
wheel = self.__builder.getWheel()
i += 1

return car

class BuilderInterface:
def getWheel(self): pass
def getEngine(self): pass
def getBody(self): pass

class JeepBuilder(BuilderInterface):
def getWheel(self):
wheel = Wheel()
wheel.size = 22
return wheel

def getEngine(self):
engine = Engine()
engine.horsepower = 400
return engine

def getBody(self):
body = Body()
body.shape = "SUV"
return body

class NissanBuilder(BuilderInterface):
def getWheel(self):
wheel = Wheel()
wheel.size = 16
return wheel

def getEngine(self):
engine = Engine()
engine.horsepower = 100
return engine

def getBody(self):
body = Body()
body.shape = "hatchback"
return body
from CarBuilderAndPrototype import JeepBuilder, Director

d = Director()
jeep = d.getCar() # check if it is a car

jeep.specification() # check if it is a jeep

jeep2 = jeep.clone()
print(jeep2) # check if another similar jeep has been built