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Example 2

import XCTest

class PrototypeRealWorld: XCTestCase {

func testPrototypeRealWorld() {

let author = Author(id: 10, username: "Ivan_83")
let page = Page(title: "My First Page", contents: "Hello world!", author: author)

page.add(comment: Comment(message: "Keep it up!"))

/// Since NSCopying returns Any, the copied object should be unwrapped.
guard let anotherPage = page.copy() as? Page else {
XCTFail("Page was not copied")

/// Comments should be empty as it is a new page.

/// Note that the author is now referencing two objects.
XCTAssert(author.pagesCount == 2)

print("Original title: " + page.title)
print("Copied title: " + anotherPage.title)
print("Count of pages: " + String(author.pagesCount))

private class Author {

private var id: Int
private var username: String
private var pages = [Page]()

init(id: Int, username: String) { = id
self.username = username

func add(page: Page) {

var pagesCount: Int {
return pages.count

private class Page: NSCopying {

private(set) var title: String
private(set) var contents: String
private weak var author: Author?
private(set) var comments = [Comment]()

init(title: String, contents: String, author: Author?) {
self.title = title
self.contents = contents = author
author?.add(page: self)

func add(comment: Comment) {

/// MARK: - NSCopying

func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> Any {
return Page(title: "Copy of '" + title + "'", contents: contents, author: author)

private struct Comment {

let date = Date()
let message: String
Original title: My First Page
Copied title: Copy of 'My First Page'
Count of pages: 2