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Example 2

import XCTest

/// Singleton Design Pattern
/// Intent: Ensure that class has a single instance, and provide a global point
/// of access to it.

class SingletonRealWorld: XCTestCase {

func testSingletonRealWorld() {

/// There are two view controllers.
/// MessagesListVC displays a list of last messages from a user's chats.
/// ChatVC displays a chat with a friend.
/// FriendsChatService fetches messages from a server and provides all
/// subscribers (view controllers in our example) with new and removed
/// messages.
/// FriendsChatService is used by both view controllers. It can be
/// implemented as an instance of a class as well as a global variable.
/// In this example, it is important to have only one instance that
/// performs resource-intensive work.

let listVC = MessagesListVC()
let chatVC = ChatVC()


/// ... add view controllers to the navigation stack ...

class BaseVC: UIViewController, MessageSubscriber {

func accept(new messages: [Message]) {
/// handle new messages in the base class

func accept(removed messages: [Message]) {
/// handle removed messages in the base class

func startReceiveMessages() {

/// The singleton can be injected as a dependency. However, from an
/// informational perspective, this example calls FriendsChatService
/// directly to illustrate the intent of the pattern, which is: "
/// provide the global point of access to the instance..."

FriendsChatService.shared.add(subscriber: self)

class MessagesListVC: BaseVC {

override func accept(new messages: [Message]) {
print("MessagesListVC accepted 'new messages'")
/// handle new messages in the child class

override func accept(removed messages: [Message]) {
print("MessagesListVC accepted 'removed messages'")
/// handle removed messages in the child class

override func startReceiveMessages() {
print("MessagesListVC starts receive messages")

class ChatVC: BaseVC {

override func accept(new messages: [Message]) {
print("ChatVC accepted 'new messages'")
/// handle new messages in the child class

override func accept(removed messages: [Message]) {
print("ChatVC accepted 'removed messages'")
/// handle removed messages in the child class

override func startReceiveMessages() {
print("ChatVC starts receive messages")

/// Protocol for call-back events

protocol MessageSubscriber {

func accept(new messages: [Message])
func accept(removed messages: [Message])

/// Protocol for communication with a message service

protocol MessageService {

func add(subscriber: MessageSubscriber)

/// Message domain model

struct Message {

let id: Int
let text: String

class FriendsChatService: MessageService {

static let shared = FriendsChatService()

private var subscribers = [MessageSubscriber]()

func add(subscriber: MessageSubscriber) {

/// In this example, fetching starts again by adding a new subscriber

/// Please note, the first subscriber will receive messages again when
/// the second subscriber is added

func startFetching() {

/// Set up the network stack, establish a connection...
/// ...and retrieve data from a server

let newMessages = [Message(id: 0, text: "Text0"),
Message(id: 5, text: "Text5"),
Message(id: 10, text: "Text10")]

let removedMessages = [Message(id: 1, text: "Text0")]

/// Send updated data to subscribers
receivedNew(messages: newMessages)
receivedRemoved(messages: removedMessages)

private extension FriendsChatService {

func receivedNew(messages: [Message]) {

subscribers.forEach { item in
item.accept(new: messages)

func receivedRemoved(messages: [Message]) {

subscribers.forEach { item in
item.accept(removed: messages)
MessagesListVC starts receive messages
MessagesListVC accepted 'new messages'
MessagesListVC accepted 'removed messages'
======== At this point, the second subscriber is added ======
ChatVC starts receive messages
MessagesListVC accepted 'new messages'
ChatVC accepted 'new messages'
MessagesListVC accepted 'removed messages'
ChatVC accepted 'removed messages'