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Example 2

import XCTest
import UIKit

/// Adapter Design Pattern
/// Intent: Convert the interface of a class into the interface clients expect.
/// Adapter lets classes work together that couldn't work otherwise because of
/// incompatible interfaces.

class AdapterRealWorld: XCTestCase {

/// Example. Let's assume that our app perfectly works with Facebook
/// authorization. However, users ask you to add sign in via Twitter.
/// Unfortunately, Twitter SDK has a different authorization method.
/// Firstly, you have to create the new protocol 'AuthService' and insert
/// the authorization method of Facebook SDK.
/// Secondly, write an extension for Twitter SDK and implement methods of
/// AuthService protocol, just a simple redirect.
/// Thirdly, write an extension for Facebook SDK. You should not write any
/// code at this point as methods already implemented by Facebook SDK.
/// It just tells a compiler that both SDKs have the same interface.

func testAdapterRealWorld() {

print("Starting an authorization via Facebook")
startAuthorization(with: FacebookAuthSDK())

print("Starting an authorization via Twitter.")
startAuthorization(with: TwitterAuthSDK())

func startAuthorization(with service: AuthService) {

/// The current top view controller of the app
let topViewController = UIViewController()

service.presentAuthFlow(from: topViewController)

protocol AuthService {

func presentAuthFlow(from viewController: UIViewController)

class FacebookAuthSDK {

func presentAuthFlow(from viewController: UIViewController) {
/// Call SDK methods and pass a view controller
print("Facebook WebView has been shown.")

class TwitterAuthSDK {

func startAuthorization(with viewController: UIViewController) {
/// Call SDK methods and pass a view controller
print("Twitter WebView has been shown. Users will be happy :)")

extension TwitterAuthSDK: AuthService {

/// This is an adapter
/// Yeah, we are able to not create another class and just extend an
/// existing one

func presentAuthFlow(from viewController: UIViewController) {
print("The Adapter is called! Redirecting to the original method...")
self.startAuthorization(with: viewController)

extension FacebookAuthSDK: AuthService {
/// This extension just tells a compiler that both SDKs have the same
/// interface.
Starting an authorization via Facebook
Facebook WebView has been shown
Starting an authorization via Twitter
The Adapter is called! Redirecting to the original method...
Twitter WebView has been shown. Users will be happy :)