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Example 2

import XCTest

private class BridgeRealWorld: XCTestCase {

func testBridgeRealWorld() {

print("Client: Pushing Photo View Controller...")


print("Client: Pushing Feed View Controller...")

func push(_ container: SharingSupportable) {

let instagram = InstagramSharingService()
let facebook = FaceBookSharingService()

container.accept(service: instagram)
container.update(content: foodModel)

container.accept(service: facebook)
container.update(content: foodModel)

var foodModel: Content {
return FoodDomainModel(title: "This food is so various and delicious!",
images: [UIImage(), UIImage()],
calories: 47)

private protocol SharingSupportable {

/// Abstraction
func accept(service: SharingService)

func update(content: Content)

class BaseViewController: UIViewController, SharingSupportable {

fileprivate var shareService: SharingService?

func update(content: Content) {
/// ...updating UI and showing a content...
/// ...
/// ... then, a user will choose a content and trigger an event
print("\(description): User selected a \(content) to share")
/// ...
shareService?.share(content: content)

func accept(service: SharingService) {
shareService = service

class PhotoViewController: BaseViewController {

/// Custom UI and features

override var description: String {
return "PhotoViewController"

class FeedViewController: BaseViewController {

/// Custom UI and features

override var description: String {
return "FeedViewController"

protocol SharingService {

/// Implementation
func share(content: Content)

class FaceBookSharingService: SharingService {

func share(content: Content) {

/// Use FaceBook API to share a content
print("Service: \(content) was posted to the Facebook")

class InstagramSharingService: SharingService {

func share(content: Content) {

/// Use Instagram API to share a content
print("Service: \(content) was posted to the Instagram", terminator: "\n\n")

protocol Content: CustomStringConvertible {

var title: String { get }
var images: [UIImage] { get }

struct FoodDomainModel: Content {

var title: String
var images: [UIImage]
var calories: Int

var description: String {
return "Food Model"
Client: Pushing Photo View Controller...
PhotoViewController: User selected a Food Model to share
Service: Food Model was posted to the Instagram

PhotoViewController: User selected a Food Model to share
Service: Food Model was posted to the Facebook

Client: Pushing Feed View Controller...
FeedViewController: User selected a Food Model to share
Service: Food Model was posted to the Instagram

FeedViewController: User selected a Food Model to share
Service: Food Model was posted to the Facebook