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Example 2

import XCTest

/// Facade Design Pattern
/// Intent: Provides a simplified interface to a library, a framework, or any
/// other complex set of classes.

class FacadeRealWorld: XCTestCase {

/// In the real project, you probably will use third-party libraries. For
/// instance, to download images.
/// Therefore, facade and wrapping it is a good way to use a third party API
/// in the client code. Even if it is your own library that is connected to
/// a project.
/// The benefits here are:
/// 1) If you need to change a current image downloader it should be done
/// only in the one place of a project. A number of lines of the client code
/// will stay work.
/// 2) The facade provides an access to a fraction of a functionality that
/// fits most client needs. Moreover, it can set frequently used or default
/// parameters.

func testFacedeRealWorld() {

let imageView = UIImageView()

print("Let's set an image for the image view")


print("Image has been set")

XCTAssert(imageView.image != nil)

fileprivate func clientCode(_ imageView: UIImageView) {

let url = URL(string: "")
imageView.downloadImage(at: url)

private extension UIImageView {

/// This extension plays a facede role.

func downloadImage(at url: URL?) {

print("Start downloading...")

let placeholder = UIImage(named: "placeholder")

ImageDownloader().loadImage(at: url,
placeholder: placeholder,
completion: { image, error in
print("Handle an image...")

/// Crop, cache, apply filters, whatever...

self.image = image

private class ImageDownloader {

/// Third party library or your own solution (subsystem)

typealias Completion = (UIImage, Error?) -> ()
typealias Progress = (Int, Int) -> ()

func loadImage(at url: URL?,
placeholder: UIImage? = nil,
progress: Progress? = nil,
completion: Completion) {
/// ... Set up a network stack
/// ... Downloading an image
/// ...
completion(UIImage(), nil)
Let's set an image for the image view
Start downloading...
Handle an image...
Image has been set