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Example 2

import XCTest
import UIKit

class FlyweightRealWorld: XCTestCase {

func testFlyweightRealWorld() {

let maineCoon = Animal(name: "Maine Coon",
country: "USA",
type: .cat)

let sphynx = Animal(name: "Sphynx",
country: "Egypt",
type: .cat)

let bulldog = Animal(name: "Bulldog",
country: "England",
type: .dog)

print("Client: I created a number of objects to display")

/// Displaying objects for the 1-st time.

print("Client: Let's show animals for the 1st time\n")
display(animals: [maineCoon, sphynx, bulldog])

/// Displaying objects for the 2-nd time.
/// Note: Cached object of the appearance will be reused this time.

print("\nClient: I have a new dog, let's show it the same way!\n")

let germanShepherd = Animal(name: "German Shepherd",
country: "Germany",
type: .dog)

display(animals: [germanShepherd])

extension FlyweightRealWorld {

func display(animals: [Animal]) {

let cells = loadCells(count: animals.count)

for index in 0..<animals.count {
cells[index].update(with: animals[index])

/// Using cells...

func loadCells(count: Int) -> [Cell] {
/// Emulates behavior of a table/collection view.
return Array(repeating: Cell(), count: count)

enum Type: String {
case cat
case dog

class Cell {

private var animal: Animal?

func update(with animal: Animal) {
self.animal = animal
let type = animal.type.rawValue
let photos = "photos \("
print("Cell: Updating an appearance of a \(type)-cell: \(photos)\n")

struct Animal: Equatable {

/// This is an external context that contains specific values and an object
/// with a common state.
/// Note: The object of appearance will be lazily created when it is needed

let name: String
let country: String
let type: Type

var appearance: Appearance {
return AppearanceFactory.appearance(for: type)

struct Appearance: Equatable {

/// This object contains a predefined appearance of every cell

let photos: [UIImage]
let backgroundColor: UIColor

extension Animal: CustomStringConvertible {

var description: String {
return "\(name), \(country), \(type.rawValue) + \(appearance.description)"

extension Appearance: CustomStringConvertible {

var description: String {
return "photos: \(photos.count), \(backgroundColor)"

class AppearanceFactory {

private static var cache = [Type: Appearance]()

static func appearance(for key: Type) -> Appearance {

guard cache[key] == nil else {
print("AppearanceFactory: Reusing an existing \(key.rawValue)-appearance.")
return cache[key]!

print("AppearanceFactory: Can't find a cached \(key.rawValue)-object, creating a new one.")

switch key {
case .cat:
cache[key] = catInfo
case .dog:
cache[key] = dogInfo

return cache[key]!

extension AppearanceFactory {

private static var catInfo: Appearance {
return Appearance(photos: [UIImage()], backgroundColor: .red)

private static var dogInfo: Appearance {
return Appearance(photos: [UIImage(), UIImage()], backgroundColor: .blue)
Client: I created a number of objects to display
Client: Let's show animals for the 1st time

AppearanceFactory: Can't find a cached cat-object, creating a new one.
Cell: Updating an appearance of a cat-cell: photos 1

AppearanceFactory: Reusing an existing cat-appearance.
Cell: Updating an appearance of a cat-cell: photos 1

AppearanceFactory: Can't find a cached dog-object, creating a new one.
Cell: Updating an appearance of a dog-cell: photos 2

Client: I have a new dog, let's show it the same way!

AppearanceFactory: Reusing an existing dog-appearance.
Cell: Updating an appearance of a dog-cell: photos 2