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Main Concepts


  • The main rule of an immutable object is it cannot be modified after creation

  • Conversely, a mutable object is each object which can be modified after creation

  • The data flow in the program is lossy if the immutability principle is not followed

    • that is why it is the main concept of functional programming
  • example: if data is mutated some bugs which are hard to find can be hidden

    • version 1

      const stat = [
      {name: "John", score: 1.003},
      {name: "Lora", score: 2},
      {name: "Max", score: 3.76},

      // expecting to create a new array, but contents in array got modified instead
      // this is because inside the stat, item got modified
      const statScoreInt = => {
      el.score = Math.floor(el.score); =;

      return el;

      console.log(stat); // [{ name: "John", score: 1 }, { name: "Lora", score: 2 }, { name: "Max", score: 3 }]
      console.log(statScoreInt); // [{ name: "John", score: 1 }, { name: "Lora", score: 2 }, { name: "Max", score: 3 }]
    • version 2

      const stat = [
      {name: "John", score: 1.003},
      {name: "Lora", score: 2},
      {name: "Max", score: 3.76},

      // new copied array got created as expected
      const statScoreInt = => {
      return {score: Math.floor(el.score), ...el};

      console.log(stat); // [{ name: "John", score: 1.003 }, { name: "Lora", score: 2 }, { name: "Max", score: 3.76 }]
      console.log(statScoreInt); // [{ name: "John", score: 1 }, { name: "Lora", score: 2 }, { name: "Max", score: 3 }]
  • In JavaScript, it might be easy to confuse const with immutability

    • The variable which cannot be redeclared is created by using const but immutable objects are not created by const
    • You can't change the object that the binding refers to, but you can still change the properties of the object
      • which means that bindings created with const are mutable
  • Immutable objects can't be changed at all

    • You can make a value truly immutable by deep-freezing the object
    • JavaScript has a method that freezes an object one-level deep (in order to freeze an object deeply, recursion could be used to freeze each property and nested objects)
  • example

    • There are several libraries in JavaScript which try to follow this principle, for example, Immutable.js
    const a = Object.freeze({
    greeting: "Hello",
    subject: "student",
    mark: "!",

    a.greeting = "Goodbye";
    // Error: Cannot assign to read only property 'foo' of object Object

Side Effects

  • it is a side effect
    • if state changes are observable outside the called function
    • they are not returned value of the function
  • Side effects include:
    • Modifying any external variable or object property
      • e.g., a global variable, or a variable in the parent function scope chain
    • Logging to the console
    • Alert
    • Writing to the screen, in other words, replacing the content of a specific tag
      • querySelector(), getElementById(), etc.
    • Writing to a file
    • The HTTP request might have side effects
      • therefore the function that triggers the request transitively have side effects
    • Triggering any external process
    • Calling any other functions with side effects
  • In functional programming side effects are mostly avoided
    • It makes a program much easier to understand, and much easier to test
  • a program without side effects does nothing
    • If the code does not write to or read from a database, does not make any requests, does not change UI, etc.
      • it does not bring any value
      • So we cannot completely avoid side effects
  • to isolate side effects from the rest of your software
    • by keeping side effects separately from the rest of the software
      • the application will be much easier to extend, refactor, debug, test, and maintain
  • That is why a lot of front-end frameworks suggest using state management tools along with the library
    • Because it separates components rendering from state management
    • they are loosely coupled modules
    • ReactJS and Redux are examples of that

Pure Functions

  • A function is called pure if it has the following properties:

    • Given the same input, always returns the same output
    • Function without side effects
  • A pure function also can be called a deterministic function

  • JS arrays methods such as

    • map, filter, reduce etc., are examples of pure function
  • A pure function does not depend on any state, it only depends on input parameters

  • example 1: Pure function: no side effect

    • there are no side effects because price comes as an argument
    const doubledPrice = (price) => price * 2;
  • example 2: not pure function: have side effect

    • there is a side effect because
      • the price is changed inside the function, but price is declared outside the doubledPrice scope
    let price = 2;
    const doubledPrice = () => (price = price * 2);

No Shared State

  • Shared state is a memory space (could be an object or simple variable) that is reachable from all program parts
    • In other words, it is global and exists in shared scope
    • It also could be passed as a property between scopes
    • If two or more application parts change the same data, then the data is a shared state

Problems with shared state

  • If the state is changing from more than one place in the application

    • there is a risk of one modification preventing another part of the application to work with the actual data
    • So it might lead to strange hard to track bugs
  • example

    • Functions main() and minor() do something and wants to log an arr
    • Function logGrocery() logs elements into console
      • However, it removes elements from the array while logging them
      • logGrocery() breaks minor() and that is why there is an undefined
    const arr = ["bread", "milk", "wine"];

    function logGrocery(arr) {
    for (let i = 0; i <= arr.length + 1; i++) {

    function main() {
    // some code

    function minor() {
    // some code


    // bread
    // milk
    // wine
    // undefined (1)

How to avoid it

  • We can avoid shared state by copying data

  • Until we are reading from a shared state without any modification we are safe

  • Before doing some modifications we need to un-share our state

  • example

    • Functions main() and minor() do something and wants to log an arr
    • Function logGrocery() logs elements into console
      • The code creates a new variable localArray, a copy of arr
      • So the localArray is modified, and it is a new declaration on each call
    • Avoiding mutations by updating non-destructively
    const arr = ["bread", "milk", "wine"];

    function logGrocery(arr) {
    const localArr = [...arr]; // important

    for (let i = 0; i <= localArr.length + 1; i++) {

    function main() {
    // some code

    function minor() {
    // some code


    // bread
    // milk
    // wine
    // bread
    // milk
    // wine
  • example: Preventing mutations by making data immutable

    • We can prevent mutations of shared data by making that data immutable
      • If data is immutable, it can be shared without any risks
      • In particular, there is no need to copy defensively
    const shoppingList = ["bread", "milk", "wine"];

    function addToShoppingList(arr, item) {
    return [...arr, item];

    function main(item) {
    // some code
    return addToShoppingList(arr, item);

    const withFruit = main("fruit");

    console.log(withFruit); // ['bread', 'milk', 'wine', 'fruit']
    console.log(shoppingList); // ['bread', 'milk', 'wine']


  • Function composition is a combination of two or more functions
  • The single function does a small piece which is not valuable for an application
    • in order to achieve the desired result, small functions have to be combined together
    • can imagine composing functions as pipes of functions that data has to go through, so that outcome is reached
  • In functional programming, it is preferable to use composition over inheritance

Composition over inheritance

  • composition is easier in maintenance and for reusability purposes

  • It is easy to refactor the code if needed

  • Composition is a simple mental model, so there is no need to think in advance of hierarchy, and we can combine all small pieces in the way that we need them to be

  • example: combines the power of objects and functional programming

    const dog = (name) => {
    const self = {

    return self;

    const buddy = dog("Buddy");
  • example 1: using composition

    const canSayHi = (self) => ({
    sayHi: () => console.log(`Hi! I'm ${}`),

    const canEat = () => ({
    eat: (food) => console.log(`Eating ${food}...`),
    const behaviors = (self) => Object.assign({}, canSayHi(self), canEat());

    const dog = (name) => {
    const self = {

    const dogBehaviors = (self) => ({
    bark: () => console.log("Ruff!"),

    return Object.assign(self, behaviors(self), dogBehaviors(self));

    const buddy = dog("Buddy");

    buddy.sayHi(); // Hi! I'm Buddy"Petfood"); // Eating Petfood...
    buddy.bark(); // Ruff!
    const cat = (name) => {
    const self = {

    const catBehaviors = (self) => ({
    meow: () => console.log("Meow!"),
    haveLunch: (food) => {;

    return Object.assign(self, catBehaviors(self), canEat());

    const kitty = cat("Kitty");

    kitty.haveLunch("fish"); // Eating fish...
    kitty.meow(); // Meow!
  • example 2: using composition to create a statistic board with the possibility to sort, find all occurrences, and filter by prop

    • compose function is a self-invoking function that can take any number of parameters and execute right-to-left
      • in other words, performs right-to-left function composition So, you can compose functions the way you need
      • There is a possibility to filter and sort in one part of the application and filter and find in another without any duplication, by composing small reusable parts
    • self-invoking function is a nameless (anonymous) function that is invoked immediately after its definition
    const stat = [
    {name: "Lora", score: 1.003},
    {name: "Lora", score: 1.003},
    {name: "Lora", score: 2},
    {name: "Max", score: 3.76},

    const sort = (arr) => {
    return arr.sort((a, b) => b.score - a.score);

    const filter = (params) => {
    return (arr) => arr.filter((item) => === params);

    const findAll = (params) => {
    return (arr) => arr.filter((item) => item.score === params);

    const compose = (...funcs) => {
    return (arr) => {
    return funcs.reverse().reduce((acc, func) => func(acc), arr);

    console.log(compose(filter("Lora"))(stat)); // [{ name: "Lora", score: 1.003 }, { name: "Lora", score: 1.003 }, { name: "Lora", score: 2 }]
    console.log(compose(findAll(1.003), filter("Lora"))(stat)); // [{ name: "Lora", score: 1.003 }, { name: "Lora", score: 1.003 }]
    console.log(compose(sort, filter("Lora"))(stat)); // [{ name: "Lora",score: 2 }, { name: "Lora",score: 1.003 }, { name: "Lora",score: 1.003 }]