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Publish / Subscribe Example

How to use

  • install all dependencies

    npm i

  • open 7 terminals
  • 1st terminal run server

    node server.js

  • 2nd terminal run 1st subscriber

    TOPIC_ID=stock_prices node subscriber.js

  • 3rd terminal run 2nd subscriber with the same topic as the 1st subscriber

    TOPIC_ID=stock_prices node subscriber.js

  • 4th terminal run 3rd subscriber with different topic

    TOPIC_ID=news_alerts node subscriber.js

  • 5th terminal run 1st publisher

    (for i in seq 1 10000; do sleep 1; echo New Stock Price; done) | NAME=STOCK_BROKER TOPIC_ID=stock_prices node publisher.js

    - 1st and 2nd subscriber will receive the notifications
  • 6th terminal run 2nd publisher

    (for i in seq 1 10000; do sleep 1; echo Breaking News; done) | NAME=NEWS_STATION TOPIC_ID=news_alerts node publisher.js

    - only the 3rd subscriber will receive the notifications
  • 7th terminal run 3rd publisher

    (for i in seq 1 10000; do sleep 1; echo Youtube Notification; done) | NAME=YOUTUBE TOPIC_ID=youtube_notifications node publisher.js

    - none of the subscriber will receive any notifications