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Numbers to know for Estimation

Latency Numbers

  • has a big impact
    • on user experience
    • on how you design your entire app to reduce latency
  • key points
    • avoid network calls whenever possible
    • replicate data across data centers for disaster recovery as well as performance
    • use CDNs to reduce latency
    • keep frequently accessed data in memory if possible rather than seeking from disk, caching
Access Typeactual latency timeConverted more understandable Time
CPU Cycle0.3 nanoseconds1 seconds
CPU L1 Cache1 nanoseconds3 seconds
CPU L2 Cache3 nanoseconds9 seconds
CPU L3 Cache13 nanoseconds43 seconds
Main Memory (RAM)120 nanoseconds6 minutes
SSD150 micro seconds6 days
HDD10 milliseconds12 months
SF to NYC40 milliseconds4 years
SF to Australia180 milliseconds19 years

Capacity Estimates

  • use to get a rough figure of the type of resources and server amounts that you would need

    Data Conversions
    8 bits1 byte
    1024 bytes1 kilobyte
    1024 kilobytes1 megabyte
    1024 megabytes1 gigabyte
    1024 gigabytes1 terabyte
    Common Data Types
    Char1 byte
    Integer4 bytes
    UNIX Timestamp4 bytes
  • use to make quick estimates for daily traffic

    • such as requests per second
    • how many requests you need to handle
60 seconds x 60 minutes = 3,600 seconds per hour
3,600 x 24 hours = 86,400 seconds per day
86,400 x 30 days = 2,500,000 seconds per month

Traffic Estimates

  • estimate total number of requests app will receive
  • Average Daily Active Users (DAU) x average reads / writes per user
Instagram type app:

10 million DAU x 30 photos viewed = 300 million photo requests per day
10 million DAU x 1 photo upload = 10 million photo writes per day
300 million requests / 86,400 seconds per day = 3472 requests per second (using floor division)
10 million writes / 86,400 seconds per day = 15 writes per second (using floor division)

Memory Estimates

  • Read Request per day x Average Request size x 0.2
    • use 0.8 by using the 80 20 rule
      • for a rough estimate, can assume that 20% of the data will be 80% of the overall request or traffic
      • especially on a social media site, some posts are gonna get much more views than others
        • in a popular account, their post is gonna get view millions of times
        • while other people's posts might not get viewed at all
      • thus to save the database workload, we need to cache our most popular stuff, and most frequently accessed data to reduce latency
        • by providing data from memory instead of from database or disk
300 million requests x 500 bytes = 150 gigabytes per day
150 GB x 0.2 (20%) = 30 gigabytes (only store this amount for the most popular data)
30 GB x 3 (replication) = 90 gigabytes (total cache memory)

Bandwidth Estimates

  • Requests per day x Request size
    • this would account the size of the data we are serving
    • average bandwith is 5.2 gb per second for this example
    • take note that rarely an app will have a steady flow at the same rate
      • often have peaks where it's your highest usage time giving you 3 times the bandwidth
      • during dead times, you might get a much lower amount
1 photo size ~= 1.5 mb

300 million request x 1.5 mb = 450,000 gigabytes per day
450,000 gb / 86,400 seconds = 5.2 gb per second (using floor division)

Storage Estimates

  • Writes per day x Size of write x Time to store data
    • storage is normally used for data that you would want to keep for a long time
      • around 10 years or longer
1 photo size ~= 1.5 mb

10 million write x 1.5 mb = 15 TB per day
15 tb x 365 days x 10 years = 55 Petabytes