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Using redux in components

Old method (works for class or functional components)

  • everything in 1 file
import React from "react";
import {connect} from "react-redux";
import {name1Action} from "./nameAction";

function App({count, doAction}) {
return (
<button onClick={doAction}>DoSomething</button>

function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
count: state.nameReducer.count, // nameReducer required if using combineReducers

// method 1, Manually Injecting dispatch
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch, ownProps) {
return {
doAction: () => {

// method 2, using object shorthand, Each field of the mapDispatchToProps object is assumed to be an action creator
// component will no longer receive dispatch as a prop
const mapDispatchToProps = {
doAction: () => name1Action(),

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(App);
  • using containers

    • component
    import React from "react";

    export default function App({count, doAction}) {
    return (
    <button onClick={doAction}>DoSomething</button>
    • container
    import React from "react";
    import {connect} from "react-redux";
    import App from "./App";
    import {name1Action} from "./nameAction";

    function mapStateToProps(state) {
    return {
    count: state.nameReducer.count, // nameReducer required if using combineReducers

    // method 1, Manually Injecting dispatch
    function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch, ownProps) {
    return {
    doAction: () => {

    // method 2, using object shorthand, Each field of the mapDispatchToProps object is assumed to be an action creator
    // component will no longer receive dispatch as a prop
    const mapDispatchToProps = {
    doAction: () => name1Action(),

    export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(App);

New method, using hooks from react-redux library

import React from "react";
import {useSelector, useDispatch, shallowEqual} from "react-redux";
import {name1Action} from "./nameAction";

export default () => {
const count = useSelector((state) => state.counterReducer.count); // get props from reducer
const count2 = useSelector(
(state) => state.counterReducer.count2,
); // get and compare current value with previous value
const dispatch = useDispatch(); // enable dispatch for actions

return (
<button onClick={() => dispatch(name1Action())}>DoSomething</button>