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Dynamic Programming

  • notice any overlapping subproblems
  • decide what is the trivially smallest input
  • think recursively to use Memoization
  • think iteratively to use Tabulation
  • draw a strategy first


  • canSum: Decision Problem
  • howSum: Combination Problem
  • bestSum: Optimization Problem

2 types of techniques

Memoization technique

  • Store subproblems and reuse it when required


  • try to think about the recursive functions in terms of a tree
    • with the tree information, you can implement brute force
      • then from there you can see where to optimize the brute force solution

Guidelines for solving dynamic programming problems using memoization strategy

  1. make it work
    • visualize the problem as a tree
    • implement the tree using recursion
    • test it
  2. make it efficient
    • add a memo object, key = input, value = return value
    • add a base case to return memo values
    • store return values into the memo before returning

Tabulation technique


  • instead of breaking a problem to multiple subproblems recursively, we do it iteratively
    • by building a table, which is just an array
      • create an array with 1 greater length than n input value
      • use starting value of 0 for all elements if need to calculate a running sum
      • [0, 0, 0] if n is 2

Guidelines for solving dynamic programming problems using tabulation strategy

  • solution is already efficient and does not requires brute force
    • visualize the problem as a table
    • size the table based on the inputs
    • initialize the table with default values
    • seed the trivial answer into the table
    • iterate through the table
    • fill further positions based on the current position