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Can Construct example

Write a function "canConstruct(target, wordBank)" that accepts a target string and an array of strings

The function should return a boolean indicating whether or not the "target" can be constructed by concatenating elements of the "wordBank" array

You may reuse elements of "wordBank" as many times as needed
  • explanation
Question 1: canConstruct("abcdef", ["ab", "abc", "cd", "def", "abcd"])

since "abc" + "def" = "abcdef"
Answer 1: true

Question 2: canConstruct("skateboard", ["bo", "rd", "ate", "t", "ska", "sk", "boar"])

since there are 0 ways to generate "skateboard"
Answer 2: false

it is easier to generate a shorter string than a longer string

Question 3: canConstruct("", ["cat", "dog", "mouse"])

since we can choose not to use any of the elements in the array
Answer 3: true
  • graph display of what goes behind the hood for canConstruct("abcdef", ["ab", "abc", "cd", "def", "abcd"])
canConstruct("abcdef", ["ab", "abc", "cd", "def", "abcd"]) -> true
* do not take out characters from the middle of a string
* only branch the children if we have a matching prefix in the word bank

m = target.length
n = wordBank.length
height = m

abcdef 1
/(ab) |(abc) \(abcd)
cdef def ef * n
|(cd) |(def)
ef "" * n

when leaf node is "" returns true value to parent
when leaf node is not empty and cannot be broken down any more, returns false value to parent
canConstruct("skateboard", ["bo", "rd", "ate", "t", "ska", "sk", "boar"]) -> false

/(ska) \(sk)
teboard ateboard
|(t) |(ate)
eboard board
/(bo) \(board)
ard d

Naive solution

  • time complexity is O((n^m) * m)
  • space complexity is O(m * m), simplified to O(m^2)
const canConstruct = (target, wordBank) => {
if (target === "") return true;

for (const word of wordBank) {
// time n
if (target.indexOf(word) === 0) {
const suffix = target.slice(word.length); // time, space this copies an array which the worst case will be m times
if (canConstruct(suffix, wordBank)) {
// time ^m, n has to be recalled depending on m, space m
return true;
return false;

console.log(canConstruct("abcdef", ["ab", "abc", "cd", "def", "abcd"])); // true
canConstruct("skateboard", ["bo", "rd", "ate", "t", "ska", "sk", "boar"])
); // false
canConstruct("enterapotentpot", ["a", "p", "ent", "enter", "ot", "o", "t"])
); // true
canConstruct("eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeef", [
); // false

Memoization solution

  • time complexity is O(n * m * m), simplified to O(n * m^2)
  • space complexity is O(m * m), simplified to O(m^2)
const canConstruct = (target, wordBank, memo = {}) => {
if (target in memo) return memo[target]; // space m
if (target === "") return true;

for (const word of wordBank) {
// time n
if (target.indexOf(word) === 0) {
const suffix = target.slice(word.length); // time, space this copies an array which the worst case will be m times
if (canConstruct(suffix, wordBank, memo)) {
// time m, since no duplicate of n is being compute
memo[target] = true;
return true;
memo[target] = false;
return false;

console.log(canConstruct("abcdef", ["ab", "abc", "cd", "def", "abcd"])); // true
canConstruct("skateboard", ["bo", "rd", "ate", "t", "ska", "sk", "boar"])
); // false
canConstruct("enterapotentpot", ["a", "p", "ent", "enter", "ot", "o", "t"])
); // true
canConstruct("eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeef", [
); // false

Tabulation solution

canConstruct("abcdef", ["ab", "abc", "cd", "def", "abcd"]) -> true

m = target
n = wordBank.length

first create an array the size of the target.length + 1
set default value to be false

index : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
value : false false false false false false false
Actual char: a b c d e f

when target value is an empty string, no string concatenation is required to get "", therefore return value should be true

index : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
value : true false false false false false false
Actual char: a b c d e f

look at the 1st element of the array ["ab", "abc", "cd", "def", "abcd"] is "ab"
current index is 0, value is True, and actual char is "a"
since first char of "ab" === actual char "a"
we can look at "ab" char length 2 steps ahead of the current index,
value can be changed to the same as current value true

index : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
value : true false true false false false false
Actual char: a b c d e f

look at the 2nd element of the array ["ab", "abc", "cd", "def", "abcd"] is "abc"
current index is 0, value is True, and actual char is "a"
since first char of "abc" === actual char "a"
we can look at "abc" char length 3 steps ahead of the current index,
value can be changed to the same as current value true

index : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
value : true false true true false false false
Actual char: a b c d e f

look at the 3rd element of the array ["ab", "abc", "cd", "def", "abcd"] is "cd"
current index is 0, value is True, and actual char is "a"
since first char of "cd" !== actual char "a"
we can ignore and skip this

index : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
value : true false true true false false false
Actual char: a b c d e f

look at the 4th element of the array ["ab", "abc", "cd", "def", "abcd"] is "def"
current index is 0, value is True, and actual char is "a"
since first char of "def" !== actual char "a"
we can ignore and skip this

index : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
value : true false true true false false false
Actual char: a b c d e f

look at the 5th element of the array ["ab", "abc", "cd", "def", "abcd"] is "abcd"
current index is 0, value is True, and actual char is "a"
since first char of "abcd" === actual char "a"
we can look at "abcd" char length 4 steps ahead of the current index,
value can be changed to the same as current value true

index : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
value : true false true true true false false
Actual char: a b c d e f

move current value to the next index
look at the 1st element of the array ["ab", "abc", "cd", "def", "abcd"] is "ab"
current index is 1, value is false, and actual char is "b"
since value is false, we can skip the entire process and move to the next index

index : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
value : true false true true true false false
Actual char: a b c d e f

move current value to the next index
look at the 1st element of the array ["ab", "abc", "cd", "def", "abcd"] is "ab"
current index is 2, value is True, and actual char is "c"
since first char of "ab" !== actual char "c"
we can ignore and skip this

index : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
value : true false true true true false false
Actual char: a b c d e f

look at the 2nd element of the array ["ab", "abc", "cd", "def", "abcd"] is "abc"
current index is 2, value is True, and actual char is "c"
since first char of "abc" !== actual char "c"
we can ignore and skip this

index : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
value : true false true true true false false
Actual char: a b c d e f

look at the 3rd element of the array ["ab", "abc", "cd", "def", "abcd"] is "cd"
current index is 2, value is True, and actual char is "c"
since first char of "cd" === actual char "c"
we can look at "cd" char length 2 steps ahead of the current index,
value can be changed to the same as current value true

index : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
value : true false true true true false false
Actual char: a b c d e f

look at the 4th element of the array ["ab", "abc", "cd", "def", "abcd"] is "def"
current index is 2, value is True, and actual char is "c"
since first char of "def" !== actual char "c"
we can ignore and skip this

index : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
value : true false true true true false false
Actual char: a b c d e f

look at the 5th element of the array ["ab", "abc", "cd", "def", "abcd"] is "abcd"
current index is 2, value is True, and actual char is "c"
since first char of "abcd" !== actual char "c"
we can ignore and skip this

index : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
value : true false true true true false false
Actual char: a b c d e f

move current value to the next index
look at the 1st element of the array ["ab", "abc", "cd", "def", "abcd"] is "ab"
current index is 3, value is True, and actual char is "d"
since first char of "ab" !== actual char "d"
we can ignore and skip this

index : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
value : true false true true true false false
Actual char: a b c d e f

look at the 2nd element of the array ["ab", "abc", "cd", "def", "abcd"] is "abc"
current index is 3, value is True, and actual char is "d"
since first char of "abc" !== actual char "d"
we can ignore and skip this

index : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
value : true false true true true false false
Actual char: a b c d e f

look at the 3rd element of the array ["ab", "abc", "cd", "def", "abcd"] is "cd"
current index is 3, value is True, and actual char is "d"
since first char of "cd" !== actual char "d"
we can ignore and skip this

index : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
value : true false true true true false false
Actual char: a b c d e f

look at the 4th element of the array ["ab", "abc", "cd", "def", "abcd"] is "def"
current index is 3, value is True, and actual char is "d"
since first char of "def" === actual char "d"
we can look at "def" char length 3 steps ahead of the current index,
value can be changed to the same as current value true

index : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
value : true false true true true false true
Actual char: a b c d e f

we can stop here, since nothing else will change
  • time complexity is O(n * m * m), simplified to O(n * m^2)
  • space complexity is O(m)
const canConstruct = (target, wordBank) => {
const table = Array(target.length + 1).fill(false); // space m
table[0] = true;

for (let i = 0; i <= target.length; i++) {
// time m
if (table[i]) {
for (const word of wordBank) {
// time n
if (target.slice(i, i + word.length) === word) {
// time m
table[i + word.length] = true;
return table[target.length];

console.log(canConstruct("abcdef", ["ab", "abc", "cd", "def", "abcd"])); // true
canConstruct("skateboard", ["bo", "rd", "ate", "t", "ska", "sk", "boar"])
); // false
canConstruct("enterapotentpot", ["a", "p", "ent", "enter", "ot", "o", "t"])
); // true
canConstruct("eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeef", [
); // false