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  • it is a method that calls itself
    • it can return or can also not return a value
    • the stopping condition is when it hits the base case
      • this means that we can no longer grow the number of recursive calls that we are storing in memory
  • using ATM Analogy
    1. what is the least amount of work i can do
    2. when would the process complete
    const getMyPositionInLine = (person) => {
    if (person.nextInLine === null) {
    return 1; // this is the base case
    return 1 + getMyPositionInLine(person.nextInLine); // this is the recursive call


  1. Define the base case / stopping condition
  2. Do some work to shrink the problem space

Pros & Cons of using Recursion

bridges the gap between elegance and complexityslow due to CPU overhead
reduces the need for complex loops and auxiliary data structurescan lead to out of memory errors / stack overflow exceptions
can reduce time complexity easily with memoizationcan be unnecessarily complex if poorly constructed
works really well with recursive structures like trees and graphs

Call Stack

Normal Call Stack without Recursion

  • a is dependent on b which is dependent on c
function a() {
return "hello " + b();

function b() {
return "my " + c();

function c() {
return "friends.";
the following is a call stack
each row is a stack frame

when function a is called, the return value is added to the call stack
| |
| |
| |
| "hello " + b() |

the return value also calls function b, it gets added to the call stack
| |
| |
| "my " + c() |
| "hello " + b() |

the return value also calls function c, it gets added to the call stack
| |
| "friends." |
| "my " + c() |
| "hello " + b() |

since return value for this has hit the base case,
it will start executing by poping the top stack frame from the call stack

return result: "friends."
| |
| |
| "my " + "friends." |
| "hello " + b() |

return result: "my friends."
| |
| |
| |
| "hello " + "my friends." |

return result: "hello my friends."
| |
| |
| |
| |

Call Stack with Recursion

function a() {
return a();
|--a()--| -> stack overflow when we run out of memory
| a() |
| a() |
  • the above example illustrates why a base case is required to prevent a stack overflow situation
    • a return value is important to do so