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Decimal To Binary

Convert decimal base 10 values to binary base 2 values

input: 233
output: 1110 1001

round down
233 / 2 = 116, 233 % 2 = 1 remainder
116 / 2 = 58, 116 % 2 = 0 remainder
58 / 2 = 29, 58 % 2 = 0 remainder
29 / 2 = 14, 29 % 2 = 1 remainder
14 / 2 = 7, 14 % 2 = 0 remainder
7 / 2 = 3, 7 % 2 = 1 remainder
3 / 2 = 1, 3 % 2 = 1 remainder
1 / 2 = 0, 1 % 2 = 1 remainder (result is 0, this is the base case)
  • before working on the recursion, need to think about the following
    • What is the base case / stopping condition?
  • What is the smallest amount of work I can do in each iteration?
function findBinary(decimal, result = "") {
if (decimal === 0) {
return result;
result = (decimal % 2) + result;
return findBinary(Math.floor(decimal / 2), result); // returns a string value
input: 233

current input is 233
when function is called, the return value is added to the call stack
| findBinary(116, "1") |

move to the next recursion call
current input is 116
when function is called, the return value is added to the call stack

| findBinary(58, "01") |
| findBinary(116, "1") |

move to the next recursion call
current input is 58
when function is called, the return value is added to the call stack

| findBinary(29, "001") |
| findBinary(58, "01") |
| findBinary(116, "1") |

move to the next recursion call
current input is 29
when function is called, the return value is added to the call stack

| findBinary(14, "1001") |
| findBinary(29, "001") |
| findBinary(58, "01") |
| findBinary(116, "1") |

move to the next recursion call
current input is 14
when function is called, the return value is added to the call stack

| findBinary(7, "01001") |
| findBinary(14, "1001") |
| findBinary(29, "001") |
| findBinary(58, "01") |
| findBinary(116, "1") |

move to the next recursion call
current input is 7
when function is called, the return value is added to the call stack

| findBinary(3, "101001") |
| findBinary(7, "01001") |
| findBinary(14, "1001") |
| findBinary(29, "001") |
| findBinary(58, "01") |
| findBinary(116, "1") |

move to the next recursion call
current input is 3
when function is called, the return value is added to the call stack

| findBinary(1, "1101001") |
| findBinary(3, "101001") |
| findBinary(7, "01001") |
| findBinary(14, "1001") |
| findBinary(29, "001") |
| findBinary(58, "01") |
| findBinary(116, "1") |

move to the next recursion call
current input is 1
when function is called, the return value is added to the call stack

| findBinary(0, "11101001") |
| findBinary(1, "1101001") |
| findBinary(3, "101001") |
| findBinary(7, "01001") |
| findBinary(14, "1001") |
| findBinary(29, "001") |
| findBinary(58, "01") |
| findBinary(116, "1") |

move to the next recursion call
current input is 0
since return value for this has hit the base case,
it will start executing by poping the top stack frame from the call stack

return result: "11101001"
| "11101001" |
| findBinary(1, "1101001") |
| findBinary(3, "101001") |
| findBinary(7, "01001") |
| findBinary(14, "1001") |
| findBinary(29, "001") |
| findBinary(58, "01") |
| findBinary(116, "1") |

return result: "11101001"
| |
| "11101001" |
| findBinary(3, "101001") |
| findBinary(7, "01001") |
| findBinary(14, "1001") |
| findBinary(29, "001") |
| findBinary(58, "01") |
| findBinary(116, "1") |

return result: "11101001"
| |
| |
| "11101001" |
| findBinary(7, "01001") |
| findBinary(14, "1001") |
| findBinary(29, "001") |
| findBinary(58, "01") |
| findBinary(116, "1") |

return result: "11101001"
| |
| |
| |
| "11101001" |
| findBinary(14, "1001") |
| findBinary(29, "001") |
| findBinary(58, "01") |
| findBinary(116, "1") |

return result: "11101001"
| |
| |
| |
| |
| "11101001" |
| findBinary(29, "001") |
| findBinary(58, "01") |
| findBinary(116, "1") |

return result: "11101001"
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| "11101001" |
| findBinary(58, "01") |
| findBinary(116, "1") |

return result: "11101001"
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| "11101001" |
| findBinary(116, "1") |

return result: "11101001"
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| "11101001" |

return result: "11101001"
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

Iterative solution

function findBinary(decimal, result = "") {
if (decimal === 0) return result;

while (decimal > 0) {
const remainder = decimal % 2;
decimal = Math.floor(decimal / 2);
result = remainder + result;
return result;