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Duck Typing

  • it is a role which can be applied to some specific class in some specific moment of time

    • this is the moment when we can extract the duck types
    • duck type is not related to the interfaces or abstract classes, it is only about the specific class which plays specific role in specific moment of time
  • duck-typing feature ensures type safety

  • the technique in TypeScript is used to compare two objects by determining if they have the same type matching properties and objects members or not

  • For example, if we assign an object with two properties and a method and the second object is only assigned with two properties

    • The typescript compiler raises a compile-time error in such situations when we create a variable of object1 and assign it a variable of the second object type
    class Pigeon {
    sound = "coos";

    class Owl {
    sound = "hoots";

    class Penguin {
    sound = "peeps";
    swim() {
    console.log("I'm a bird and i can swim");

    let pigeon: Pigeon = new Owl(); // Works
    let owl: Owl = new Pigeon(); // Works
    let pigeon2: Pigeon = new Penguin(); // Works
    let penguin: Penguin = new Pigeon(); // Compile time error

If It Walks Like a Duck and Talks Like a Duck Then It's a Duck

  • example

    • the prepare method will dramatically increase in the number of dependencies
      • it knows every class name, class method names and their arguments the worst is this type of code will only increase its size and dependencies number with time
    class Mechanic {}
    class TripCoordinator {}
    class Driver {}

    class Trip {

    prepare(prepares: object[]) {
    return => {
    switch (preparer.constructor) {
    case Mechanic:
    return preparer.prepareBicycles(this.bicycles);
    case TripCoordinator:
    return preparer.buyFood(this.customers);
    case Driver:

    return preparer.fillWaterTank(this.vehicle);

Finding the Duck

  • after identifying the problem, we need to minimize dependencies number to make the Trip functionality easily extensible without usage of switch case and other similar approaches
  • every preparer class is responsible for preparing something for the Trip
    • we can try to extract some Preparer abstraction and call it a duck type
    • this becomes something similar to an interface
class Trip {
prepare(prepares: {prepareTrip(trip: Trip)}[]) { => {

class Driver {}

class Mechanic {
prepareTrip(trip: Trip) { => {

class TripCoordinator {
prepareTrip(trip: Trip) {

Writing Code that Relies on Ducks

  1. Recognizing Hidden Ducks
    • You need to timely understand where the duck types are hidden and how to extract them, pay attention to the next places in the code:
      • Case statements that switch on class
        • similar to the situation, but here you check if you are working with instance of some specific class
      • instanceof operator
        • when trying to find out which exact class you are working with to apply specific steps to it, this may be a sign of hidden duck type
      • Checking the method exists (if (obj.someMethod) { obj.someMethod() })
        • It is also a good sign that there may be a hidden duck type when do not need to check the exact class but when you only need some specific method to exist
  2. Placing Trust in Your Ducks
    • Let client code trust the duck type, in lack of the trust client code means the next: "I know who you are, so I know what you do"
    • Such knowledge transforms into tight coupling between classes which results into non extensible code
    • Flexible applications built on top of objects which works on trust – your goal as a developer is to make those objects reliable, to let the trust work
  3. Documenting Duck Types
    • Preparer duck type and its open interface is a specific part of the design, but at the same time it is a virtual part of code, because it is neither a class nor a real interface
    • Preparers are an abstraction, just a convention which gives you the powerful system design tool, but this abstraction makes code less obvious
    • When you create a duck type, you must document and cover it with tests
  4. Sharing Code between Ducks
    • In the example shared is only prepareTrip method, but when you start using duck types, you may notice that some part of the functionality is common for all the types
    • Share such functionality using mixins and other available approaches
  5. Choosing Your Ducks Wisely
    • The last point, tells us that you do not need to create duck types just to have them
    • You need to find a balance between resources required for the refactoring, benefit gained, support simplicity and code clarity