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  • Mixins is another OOD tool to share some behavior between non-related objects
    • while inheritance and composition working with some classes' hierarchy mixins can share needed behavior between different classes which are not directly related but need to play some specific role
  • mixins model relation type: BEHAVES-AS
    • mixins tells us that some object under some circumstances 'behaves-as' needed under these circumstances
  • inheritance is not the only way to share a behavior
    • every problem which we solve using inheritance can also be solved using other tools, such as mixins

Understanding Roles

  • Sometimes you need to share some behavior between non-related objects

    • such case is a direct opposite to inheritance hierarchy (IS-A relation)
    • It is rather a role, which object can play on some state of its lifecycle
  • example

    • When you need to use mixin functionality on some object, you can just add it to the object's prototype
      • this will give us the possibility to use mixins methods on this object
    • such approach has some consequences, prototypes functionality is not the most convenient in usage, apart from that, Object.assign() only makes a shallow copy
      • can use existing JavaScript libraries to make mixins usage easier
const sayMixin = {
say(phrase) {

const sayHiMixin = {
__proto__: sayMixin,
sayHi() {
super.say(`Hello ${}`);
sayBye() {
super.say(`Bye ${}`);

class User {
constructor(public name) {}

Object.assign(User.prototype, sayHiMixin);

new User("Dave").sayHi();

Writing the Concrete Code

  • example 1

    • major part of logic is stored in Schedule class
      • the class is used in isSchedulable method of Bicycle
        • it needs two dates, one for the start and one for the end of booking
        • Schedule instance receives start date with subtracted leadDays
          • so as to provide enough time to prepare the bicycle for a trip
    • we can schedule a bicycle, but we also have other classes like Mechanic and Driver and each of them has its own leadDays value
      • by extracting common logic, we can create Schedulable duck type
    • with the new Schedulable instance, the relation between Bicycle and Schedulable is not IS-A
      • because Bicycle should not be schedulable under normal conditions
      • This duck type describes Bicycle specific behavior when it is required to be scheduled for the trip
      • Other parts of the system should not even know that Bicycle is schedulable
    • these classes relations will be better to describe as BEHAVES-AS
    class Schedule {
    isScheduled(schedulable, starting, ending) {
    `Checking if ${}` +
    `is available on ${starting} - ${ending}`

    //do the checks

    return true;

    class Bicycle {
    leadDays = 1;

    constructor(parts, schedule = new Schedule()) {
    this.schedule = schedule;
    // ...

    isSchedulable(starting, ending) {
    const withLeadTime = starting - this.leadDays;

    return this.schedule.isScheduled(this, withLeadTime, ending);
  • example 2

    • by extracting common logic to SchedulableMixin with isSchedulable method
      • now we can easily mix it to any class in the hierarchy, either Bicycle, Mechanic or Driver, so we will have schedulable behavior when we only need it
      • In this case decorators could be used as an alternative solution
      • The only consequence in Schedulable mixin is that we need to store leadDays property in a target class, so it can be used in mixin
    const SchedulableMixin = (superclass) =>
    class extends superclass {
    private _schedule: Schedule;
    protected leadDays = 0;

    set schedule(schedule) {
    this._schedule = schedule;

    get schedule() {
    return this._schedule || new Schedule();

    isSchedulable(starting, ending) {
    const withLeadDays = starting - this.leadDays;

    return this.schedule.isScheduled(this, withLeadDays, ending);

    class Bicycle extends SchedulableMixin(Object) {
    protected leadDays = 1;

    class Vehicle extends SchedulableMixin(Object) {
    protected leadDays = 3;

    class Mechanic extends SchedulableMixin(Object) {
    protected leadDays = 4;

Writing Inheritable Code

Mixins call stack

  • mixins adds additional levels to the call stack

    • this makes understanding and debugging of the application less obvious
    • thus need to keep this in mind and use mixins only when they are really needed
  • rules to follow

    • Recognize the Antipatterns
      • There are two antipatterns which may indicate that you can gain a benefit from inheritance
      • First of them is using variables with a type/category to determine a type of object and send it a message
      • The second is usage of direct object type checking or switch-case operator
        • rather missed a duck type
        • Duck types may have not only common interface but also common behavior, which is recommended to extract to mixins
    • Insist on the Abstraction
      • All the code in an abstract superclass which should be used in every subclass, superclasses should not contain a code which is only applied for some subclasses
      • This limitation is also applicable to mixins, all the mixin functionality should be used in every place where it is mixed in
      • If you cannot identify an abstraction, then probably it is not existing, and inheritance cannot be applied to solve this problem
    • Honor the Contract
      • Subclasses must honor the contract, so they can be easily replaced with superclasses without any change in a system behavior
      • This means that they need to answer on the same messages receiving the same input data and returning the same result data
      • Thereby they cannot do something which will force a client code to check them for a type to understand what to wait from them
      • Subclasses which do not honor the contract cannot work synchronously thus making all the inheritance hierarchy unpredictable
      • This also violates Liskov Substitution Principle
    • Preemptively Decouple Classes
      • Try to avoid super method call, use template method pattern and so-called hooks instead, they give subclass a possibility to specify the common algorithm which is controlled by superclass
      • Remember that it is not a "silver bullet" and do not follow this approach blindly
    • Create Shallow Hierarchies
      • Try to create as compact hierarchies as it is possible
      • Shallow hierarchies are easy to understand, shallow and wide are slightly more difficult, but they still are easy to understand
      • Deep and narrow hierarchies tend to become wider and much difficult to understand and maintain
      • You should avoid deep and wide hierarchies, they create a long path to target method or property which is missing in a target class
      • Such hierarchies are difficult to maintain, and they create a high risk of application failure

    Different Hierarchies