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Asynchronous Communications


two strategies when dealing with system-to-system calls

traditional model which is the synchronous model (standard microservices communications)

  • In a standard model, service-to-service communications is over HTTP using RESTful patterns
  • The calls are synchronous in nature, meaning that the caller waits for a response
    • that response is sent after the request is fully processed
  • Each call becomes a blocking call that the client must wait on a success or failure indicated by status codes from the service being called
  • As such, in this model, call paths can become deep
    • it isn't usually a big deal in small, concise operations
    • but it can become a bottleneck for longer processes across many services

asynchronous model of interservice communication

  • on method of implementation is over HTTP using REST
    • In this model, the client sends a call and the server immediately responds with an accepted status code
    • The client then either polls the server or waits for a push message on a callback URL to determine if the work was done and successful or done and failed
  • Another method, is through the use of messaging systems
    • e.g.: Rabbit, Kafka, JMS, or others
    • a message is put on a system and a downstream consumer works on that message
    • Successes or failures can be communicated many different ways or not at all
    • asynchronous communication styles can be more complex
    • it can be very difficult to do them right
    • but there are benefits
      • One of the biggest benefits is offloading strain on the system
        • By not having every call be a blocking call, you can leverage more processing power behind the scenes and not impact your customer
        • not every call needs an immediate response
        • since there is a correlation between user wait times and satisfaction, the offloading to asynchronous can improve satisfaction of users
        • In addition, many jobs take a while to run to completion and using asynchronous communications not only off-loads strain
          • but also keeps the system as a whole healthier
        • Asynchronous communications, especially in workloads and dag or directed in cyclical graph workflows
          • can allow you to build a natural retries without negatively impacting performance on the processes involved


Prevent Gridlock

  • Congestion
  • Exponential traffic
  • Slow services
  • Remove synchronous calls

impact it can have when dealing with Long-Running Processes

  • Reduce blocking
  • natural retry
  • no more call trees
  • reduce risk of timeouts

Reduce Coupling

  • prevent building of monolithic microservices
  • prevent exponential traffic
  • prevent slow services

Additional Benefits

  • can build better quality of service and priority
  • Fault tolerance easier to solve
  • response not needed immediately
  • logging, metrics, analytics does not need blocking


Complexity increases

  • Artifact sprawl
    • consumers of messages are individual artifacts that have their own repositories, build pipelines, deployment pipelines, and configuration management
  • Disconnected code paths
  • Multiple paths

Observability becomes harder

  • lack of immediate response
  • log aggregation
  • metrics correlation becomes a challenge

Additional Complexity

  • additional components increases
  • operational runbooks increases
  • issue source identification becomes difficult

Common Technologies

Message Broker

  • Heart of the system
  • able to translate and transform incoming and outgoing messages
  • Routing of messages
    • point to point routing
    • inspection based routing
  • Aggregations
    • messages can be aggregated if required
  • able to handle errors

Common Message Brokers


Apache ActiveMQ

Java Message Service (JMS)

Apache Kafka

Cache (e.g.: Redis)

  • downside is Redis does not provide the robustness of the other tools

Common Terms


Consumers or receiver

Dead-letter queue (DLQ)

Interservice Communications Patterns

  • use when in a situation where you just need to push a message to a remote system to do work, and you don't want a block on the downstream system completing its tasks

Service Communications


  • single producer
  • single consumer
  • send and forget
  • responses are another point-to-point


  • single producer
  • one or more consumers
  • send and forget
  • durable subscriptions
    • guarantees subscriber will get the message at some point in time

Point-to-point async

  • one of the most common uses of asynchronous messaging
Producer -> Message Broker -> Consumer

Use Cases

  • when no response are needed
  • when need admin task to happen
  • out of band
    • e.g.: email: send and forget
  • scaling


  • wire time, is it really saving time?
  • extra components worth it?
  • plan for failure scenarios


producer -> Message Broker -> Subscriber
-> Subscriber

Use Cases

  • when multiple responders are required
    • when flow of traffic between sites is limited on purpose to enforce good constraints across the data centers
    • but what happens when you need more than data in sync?
      • you can federate the message broker across multiple data centers and allow triggered actions within each data center to occur in isolation
      • Those triggered actions are often admin tasks like triggers to clean up or update search indices
      • In this model, the central hub can publish a message and a worker in each data center can subscribe to the message
  • when multiple tasks must fire across disparate systems
  • to allow for consumer choice
    • consumers can choose not to subscribe

Durable Subscribers

  • they always get the message
  • powerful in mission-critical operations
  • can unregister if needed
  • producer agnostic
    • producer doesn't know anything about the consumer

Event-Driven Microservices Pattern

Event-driven microservices

What is it?

  • requires a series of steps from start to goal
  • each step is triggered from a single event
  • move towards an end goal
  • each steps play its own isolated role

Choreographed events

  • can be called a call tree
  • step to step
    • each step does some work and passes a message down the chain
  • no centralized controller
    • just cascade down the pipelines
  • pipes
    • some trigger will be passed with sufficient data to the next step for it to do its work and so on down the call chain

Orchestrated events

  • much more common in practice than choreographed events
  • comes from the centralized command and control
  • still based on isolated steps
  • each step still has a job to do

Choreographed events

                      Step 1
Event Producer -> Message Broker <-> Step 2
Step 3

Event Producer
-> Message Broker -> Step 1
-> Message Broker -> Step 2
-> Message Broker -> Step 3

Uses cases

  • when there is distinct systems
  • when there is alternative cascades

Benefits and Trade-offs


  • increased performance over orchestration
    • because don't have a centralized orchestrator, steps don't funnel through a single process
    • performance can increase by offloading the steps to message broker
    • each step can be optimized for its sole function
  • can reduce cost
    • due to reduced total cost of ownership due to performance and code complexity


  • reduce reliability in the system
    • because there is no central place to handle error states
      • there is more chance that a single event will fail to fire everywhere that it is needed
      • thus need to ensure that error tracking and Dead Letter Queues exists in the message broker
        • so as to indicate the need to address errors in the workflow
  • reduce observability, increase observability complexity
    • because there is no centralized orchestrator
    • it makes determining the status of the event more difficult
    • have to look everywhere until you find the state of the current message to know what's going on
    • in addition, in an asynchronous model, there is also the message broker and each DLQ to look at

Orchestrated events

  • more common pattern within the asyncrhonous event driven microservices model
  • Orchestrator can also be referred as the Command and Control center
Event Producer <-> Orchestrator <-> Message Broker <-> Step 1
polling call <-> Step 2
<-> Step 3

Event Producer -> call -> Orchestrator -> Message Broker -> Step 1
-> Message Broker -> Orchestrator -> Event Producer
-> polling call -> Orchestrator -> Message Broker -> Step 2
-> Message Broker -> Orchestrator -> Event Producer
-> polling call -> Orchestrator -> Message Broker -> Step 3
-> Message Broker -> Orchestrator -> Event Producer

Use Cases

  • when there is sequential processing
    • step A must be completed before step B can proceed
  • Command workflow senario
    • to allow many Kubernetes clusters to be spun up at once through a single orchestrator call, since calls become non-blocking asynchronous messages
  • when a response is required

Benefits and Trade-Offs


  • increase reliability
    • can use its state to resubmit jobs that need to be processed
    • can also build in much more robust error handling for outlier conditions
  • increase observability
    • central point can produce more logging and metrics that can help an operations team


  • reduced performance or choreography
    • Because you have a centralized orchestrator, the steps funnel through a single process, thus decrease performance
  • increased cost
    • orchestrator need to keep track of state of the status responses and code paths
    • increase total cost of ownership
    • need to have more complex code
    • costs in both operations and developer efficiencies

Hybrid events

  • good thing about asynchronous model is that you are not forced to use a fixed pattern, hybrids are possible and efficient

Not Exclusive

  • still have a centralized command and control for the system as a whole
  • can dispatch choreography events to remote systems when needed
  • the events can either stay choreographed or convert back to internal command and control structure
  • work gets done and the original command and control knows when everything is completed
    • knows by either directly in line or via some other polling mechanism


  • regardless of event model, contracts between systems via the message broker are key
  • contract must be well documented to prevent error or disjointed processes
  • contract must be passive to change
    • changes can and do happen, but must not break downstream or upstream systems in the process
  • contracts must be enforced rigorously
    • so as to be resistant to change and be efficient in the processing

Stream Data Platform

  • handles streams of data
  • all done asynchronously
  • very useful in microservices
  • increased complexity for a reason

Common Architecture

  • a pub/sub model with multiple publishers on the same set of topics
Producer -                    - Consumer
Producer - - Consumer
Producer - Message Broker - Consumer
Producer - - Consumer


  • Applications
  • Databases
  • Servers
  • Anything that producers events or logs


  • Log aggregators
    • can help paint a real picture of what's going on in the system
  • Analytics engines
    • great use cases for streaming data
  • Long-term storage
    • many use cases in big data drive their data flow from a stream data platform
    • once the set of data has been identified through analytics or other learning mechanisms
      • data can be collected and shipped to a storage for historical analysis and other uses
  • Eventing engines
    • key off key analytical points and trigger downstream events usually through orchestration

Why go through all the trouble is consumer use cases are enough?

  • data is king
  • business drives off data
  • what you don't know can hurt you
  • decision-making

Log aggregation

what is this about?

  • message broker
    • Most diagrams only focus on the log aggregation activities of the message broker itself
    • it can aggregate logs from various systems, but in a raw format
  • transformations
    • not traditionally done in the stream data platform itself
    • It is usually preferred to keep all logs in the original format so as to not lose context or metadata from the log itself
      • As such, they become disjointed
  • Readability of log messages directly impacts the utilization of them
  • log aggregation is mostly referring to is in a consumption engine
    • log messages are transformed into a common format and shipped to a system designed to provide insight and readability into the log messages

Stream Processors

  • can act as internal aggregators
  • call APIs
  • Trigger alerts
  • Create events


  • improve human readability of log messages
  • operations can leverage the visualization of logs when troubleshooting and inspecting system health
  • logs can be used for debugging
  • useful for determining if refactoring has positive or negative impacts

System Analytics


  • allow data to be analyzed quickly
  • happens near real time
  • faster than downstream
  • quicker responses


  • write the job
  • execute against the processed stream
  • read the result
  • repeast as necessary
  • ship it

Is it worth it?

  • maturity matters
  • insights are powerful
  • needs dedication
  • value isn't immediate

Event detection

Eventing Use Cases

  • stop the bad actor from occurring
  • increase the good
  • immediate actions

Data flow (from state store perspective)

  • one of the biggest use case of asynchronous messaging in a microservices architecture is in data flows
  • data flows can range from a distributed data and eventual consistency to CQRS-based data writes
  • to improve throughput on a microservices based data services

Distributed data

Why is data such a powerful use case?

  • data is slow
  • data is critical to the operation of any system
  • data is growing

Big Uses

  • distributed data
  • CQRS
  • Data migrations
  • Data synchronization

Eventual consistency

  • it is a paramount concept in distributed data


  • ACID is a calling card of relational database management systems
    • it is what allows transactional writes and consistent reads in a database
    • ACID, becomes painful at best in a microservices world, especially in a distributed one
    • Atomic transactions are usually what people think of with ACID, meaning that the data is either all written or it isn't
  • BASE
    • we seldom care that the data is written immediately in a microservices architecture
    • What we do care about is that the data is going to be there when we need it
      • This is the E in BASE, eventual consistency
    • B is basically available and S is a soft state
      • meaning the data shifts and is eventually consistent, so it is always soft and malleable, and not durable like an ACID
    • And the A is just part of basically
    • This eventual consistency model allows us to speed up writes to a database with trust that the technology will distribute the data to wherever it is needed

High Level

/ \
client - A - C


  • latent reads is possible (stale data)
  • communication faults
  • catastrophic failure
    • data may not be available

CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation)

  • a software pattern to improve performance for a microservices architecture
  • it describes written data in a different model than read data
  • can be achieved through an even-driven asynchronous architecture
  • tends to be focused on microservices architectures but not required
  • it is not a replacement for CRUD

Data Services

  • usually operate on a single data domain
  • usually dealing with CRUD operations in the data services
    • can be problematic in specific use cases
  • writes are expensive especially in a traditional RDBMS
    • we can tune a system only to a point, when the update domain is different than the read domain
  • reads are not immediate or cheap
    • when data services need data being read to diverge from data being written, CQRS may be of help

In Action

Update Service -> Update Database -> Message Broker
Read Service <-> Read Database <-

Data migration


  • Moving data
  • Transforming data
  • Downtime consideration
  • Orchestration


  • Writes are critical
  • Do reads do more?
  • Transformation impact
  • Migration time


Original Service - Original Database
/ | \
Crawler - Producer \
\ \
Message Broker - Consumer
New Service - New Database

Data Synchronization

Use Cases

  • different databases
  • different systems


Source - Message Broker - Destination
\ /