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Database Scaling

  • an important topic for any system design
    • because for any large scale applications, the database is usually going to be where the performance bottleneck is
      • because while the application servers are stateless, it can be scaled horizontally as much as required
      • these servers are going to hit the database for retrieving and writing of data

Key Information

  • most web apps are read heavy, around 95% +
    • e.g.: twitter (tweets), facebook (posts), google (searches)

Basic Scaling Techniques

  • used to improve the performance of the database


  • create an index based on a certain column that's frequently accessed
    • e.g.: user id
speeds up read performance by creating an index that speeds up the lookupwrites and updates become slightly slower, because every time a row is updated, you also have to potentially modify the index
thus it does not have to do a full table scans across the databaserequires more storage for a table that's indexed because you have to store the index itself


  • it go against a standard best practices with relational databases
  • add redundant data to tables so that it reduces the amount of joins you need to do
improves the read performancesacrificing write performance
risk inconsistent data across tables, because all tables have to have the same data
code becomes harder to write as you would need to deal with the situation where you not only write to 1 table, but you have to update that data place that column is now located. Usually its abstracted away by some library

Connection Pooling

  • similar to car pooling where everyone rides in the same car to save resources or money
  • allow multiple application threads to use the same database connection
    • in this case, instead of every application thread using its own connection
      • they are pooled together and use the same one
  • which saves on overhead of independent database connections


  • serve traffic from memory rather than having to read from disk
  • not directly related to database
  • cache sits in front of database to handle serving content
  • can't cache everything
    • dynamic data that is frequently updated would not work well
  • e.g.: Redis, Memcached
  • best way to scale the database is to not let traffic reach the database at all
    • according to facebook, 99% of their requests are served from cache

Vertical Scaling

  • get a bigger server with faster processor or more memory
  • easiest solution when starting out

Replication and Partitioning

Read Replicas

  • duplicate the database and set it as the master server dedicated only to writes
  • create replica servers to handle reads
  • have to handle making sure new data reaches replicas
  • have built in fault tolerance as even if any of the replica were to go down, there would be backups to take its place

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Sharding (a type of partitioning)

  • also called as horizontal partitioning
  • schema of table stays the same, but it's now split across multiple DBs
    • reason for this is because if read replica is set up, you need to handle more writes
      • can split the task
        • e.g.: names of users from A-M goes to the first shard, while users from N-Z goes to the second shard
can handle more trafficHot Keys situation where some keys does not have as much traffic compared to the others leading to uneven traffic
no joins across shards because the data is separate, if we attempt to join them, it would be very slow
  • famous example of hot key scenario
    • instagram: justin bieber user id had way more traffic than an average user
      • thus there is no good way to handle the traffic whenever he posts a picture, the servers would go crazy
  • some cases, there's no way good way to handle sharding, just have to deal with it

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Vertical Partitioning

  • divide up the schema of database into separate tables
    • typically done by functionality if there is 1 big row of user data
      • data that does not make sense to be used together would make sense to split them apart so that you do not retrieve a bunch of data that is not required
  • best when most data in row isn't needed for most queries
generally it is easier to implement than shardingcould potentially end up having to shard or horizontally partition anyway, which would get complicated because the data has already been vertically partitioned

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When to consider NoSQL

  • when the benefit of relational database is gone
    • e.g.: normalized data, strong consistency, simple data model
  • when you made a lot of trade offs trying to scale, it becomes unrecognizable compared to a standard SQL setup
  • the reason why you would choose a NoSQL isn't because NoSQL is magical
    • you choose it because you know up front what you are sacrificing and what specifically you need for your application that you can make a trade off
      • when you start of with a relational databases, you thought you would stay with all the best practices
      • but by the time you end up scaling, you have lost all of it
  • examples:
    • when dealing with transactions and banking, you would want consistency with SQL
    • for stuff like google or social media where you don't need perfect consistency right away, you could make those trade offs for scale with NoSQL