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Java 9

  • JPMS (Java Platform Module System) also known as Project Jigsaw
    • benefits
      • modularity as a first class citizen
      • designing for modularity early
      • new concepts, syntax, and tools
      • modular platform
      • smaller footprint
  • 5 pillars of modularity
    • Encapulated: stronger encapsulation
      • protection of a module's internals
    • Interoperable: reliable modularity
      • working with other modules
    • Composable: reliable modularity
      • modules can be combined with other modules
    • Expandable: reliable modularity
      • modules can be scaled up
    • Autonomous: decomposable
      • modules work independently of other modules

What it is trying to solve

Java 8

  • limited in terms of expressing modularity beyond a single package

  • once a class is public, there is no further way to control which classes in other packages can see it

    • its all or nothing
  • path of the class that is stored on disk is intertwined with the package hierarchy

    • means that how you organize the package hierarchies must be aligned with the accessibility that you want to assign to your class
  • example

    • 1 package example works fine

      • all packages are inside the movement package

      single package module

    • multiple packages example will not compile

      multiple package module

Java 9 improvements

  • class ccessibility

    • JPMS offers better controls to expose classes
  • classpath hell

    • JPMS maintains class integrity
    • can be verified by static analysis
    • support for versioning

    classpath hell

  • controlling the system footprint

    • a large chunk of the JDK libraries were delivered as 1 big JAR file rt.jar
    • by java 8, it had grown to over 66 MB of line code
    • typical apps will not use all 66 MB, so why make all of it available at runtime
    • thus the rt.jar has been modularized
      • libraries that used to eist in rt.jar have now been segmented into smaller JMOD files
        • a new file format to package modules


  • Regular java class
  • Module-related syntax only
  • module meta-data available at runtime
  • providing fidelity across phrases
  • 1 module-info per module
  • declared at the root of module
  • mandatory for JPMS
  • creates a namespace for the module
  • must be globally unique, like package names
  • no duplication
  • modules dictate how packages are stored on file system
  • module hierarchies must match filesystem hierarchies
  • segregated package hierarchies
  • modules could each have their own codebase and lifecycles, but is not a must
  • filename
    module {                                 // 1
    exports; // 2
    exports to; // 3
    requires; // 4

Module name

  • first line contains module keyword followed by module name
    • in given example
  • Module naming convention is similar to package convention
    • reversed domain notation: domainName.module
      • domain name:
      • module: project
      • module name in module-info: com.organization.project

Module API

  • The second line declares that classes from a may be accessible for other modules
  • Module descriptor can export multiple packages, each on a separate line

Restricted API

  • Line #3 declares that package is accessible only for
  • This functionality should be use carefully, it brakes the rule that module knows only depended modules
  • It also increases coupling of modules

Module dependency

  • In the last line contains the information about the module dependencies
  • In the provided example the module depends on module and has access to its exported packages
  • dependencies are enforced at run time
  • apps fail if they can't resolve all of their dependencies

Transitive dependencies

  • a transfer of dependencies to dependent modules
    • in simpler terms
      • every package a given module requires gets automatically passed to dependent modules
  • it keep dependency graphs coherent
  • it is a clean way to transfer dependencies to dependent modules
    • but avoid having to repeat the dependency requirements
module {
requires transitive; // add transitive key word
  • from

    without transition

  • to

    with transition

Qualified dependencies

  • exporting of packages to chosen modules

    • similar to white listing approach to exporting
  • allow the exporting module to choose which foreign modules are allowed to read it

  • acts as a fine-grained filter, giving individual access at the package level

  • drawbacks of using qualified dependencies

    • exporting modules should normally not know about which other modules are depending upon them
    • qualified exports break this rule
    • it should only be used in friend like contexts
    • it is used because the modules are working closely with other modules to provide a functionality
    • funcationalities are structured into independent modules
      • but federated to act as 1 in providing that functionality
  • limitations to qualified dependencies

    • it can't be used to grant readability to all forieng modules because they would all need to be known
    • foreign modules must already exist, if not compilation will fail
  • qualified exporting should not be used as the default exporting tool

    • but should be instead be used in special circumstances
    • best used to give fine-grained access to known modules working together
  • problem

    without qualified dependency

  • solution 1: changing accessibility from public to package private

    • works if dependency does not require access from anywhere else

    limited qualified solution

  • solution 2: refactor code

    • is a hacky solution

    hacky qualified solution

  • Proper solution:

    • change accessibility from public to package private
    • use the to key word in file

    qualified solution

module {
exports to,, ...; // use the to key, can export to multiple packages

Service dependencies

service dependencies

  • service provider

    • has an interface where multiple types implements it
    • in the file
      module {
      provides with // interface; // class that implements interface; // can provide multiple classes that implements the interface
  • service consumer

    module {
    uses; // only interface is specified
    • service loader

      • pluggable services framework
      • binds service providers to consumers
      • not new, but enhanced for JPMS
      • does not replace dependency injection frameworks
        • but can be used in apps that need to deliver functionality in a modular and interoperable way without using third party frameworks
        • ideal for stand-alone jave SE apps
      • example: a class that uses the service loader to obtain an instance to one of the interface implementations
      import java.util.ServiceLoader;
      import java.util.Optional;
      import com.red30tech.chassis.api.InterfaceName;
      ServiceLoader<InterfaceName> serviceLoader = ServiceLoader.load(InterfaceName.class);

      System.out.println("Found " + + " interface name configured"); // count depends on number of classes implemented with interface that are provided in the file

      Optional<InterfaceName> optional = serviceLoader.findFirst();
      optional.orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("No service providers found"));
      InterfaceName interfaceName = optional.get();

Optional dependencies

  • mandatory at compilation time, but optional at run time
  • the interface can now add an option to enable or disable the implementation of the optional dependencies
  • optional dependencies must be coded defensively
    • must use with try/catch and with NoClassDefFoundError exception
  • optinal modules become regular modules if they get required by other modules in the graph

optional dependencies

moduel {
requires static; // use the static keyword to make it optional
provides with;;
try {
OptionalDependencyName a = new OptionalDependencyName();
} catch (NoClassDefFoundError exception) {
a = null;
# run without optional dependency
java --module-path mods/ -m com.domain.module/com.domain.module.Main

# run with optional dependency
java --module-path mods/ --add-modules com.domain.optionalmodule -m com.domain.module/com.domain.module.Main

Runtime dependencies

  • API misuses are caught at compilation time
    • by not exporting the package
      • the package won't be readable by foreign modules
  • if a dependency was not exported
    • importing or instantiating the dependency will cause a compilation error
    • reflection-based framework
      • not importing but using the type without instantiating will allow compilation but fails at runtime

Open dependencies

  • allows module access at run time only (via reflection)
  • compile time access is closed

open dependencies

moduel {
requires static;
opens; // use the opens keyword to allow reflection-based access at run time to all classes
provides with;;

Rules of modularization

  • Firstly
    • cycles between modules (on compilation level) are prohibited
    • It’s a limitation but no one should cry because of that
    • Cycles in general are sign of a bad design
  • Secondly, even if module encapsulation is controlled on compile and runtime level
    • you can brake it using reflection API and freely use debug tools
  • Thirdly, all modules have an implicit dependency to java.base module and it doesn’t have to be specified in module descriptor
    • The implicit dependency on java.base is similar to implicit import of java.lang.String class
  • Fourthly, due to backward compatibility, every class not placed in the modules goes to unnamed module
    • That module has dependency to all other modules and has access to the packages which they exported
    • It’s important that not exported packages are not accessible
    • Since Java 9 some APIs are marked as internal and are unavailable from regular packages
    • If you compile code using such packages in Java 8 and try to use it with Java 9, you’ll get runtime error

Modular structure design

  • small apps may have just 1 module
  • 9 tips
    1. Token modularization
      • package non-modular classes into jars and use automatic modules
      • automatic jars can be read and depended upon by modules
      • gateway to modular java
    2. Piecemeal Modularization
      • modularizing large code bases is a big undertaking
        • use a piecemeal approach
      • start with root packages, such as utility
      • can be read by unnamed modules
    3. use modularity for better design
      • modularity helps detect hidden bad designs
      • cyclic dependencies, lack of interfaces, and packages that try to do too much
      • take the opportunity to refactor during modularization
    4. Break Monoliths along Natural Fault Lines
      • consider module boundaries in tiers
      • front-end/back-end/persistence
      • mobile, web, and desktop
      • relational vs document vs graph databases
    5. Keep Private Things Private
      • modules are the next level of lexical scope
      • hide classes that shouldn't be exposed
      • identify the export package
        • put public classes there
      • leads to better APIs
    6. OSGi Status Quo
      • future of OSGi integration is not clear
      • JPMS offers native modularity
      • hold off JPMS until there is clarity with OSGi integration
    7. Complement Microservices with JPMS
      • introduce JPMS to your microservices architecture
      • JPMS will provide better encapsulation and the next level of lexical scoping
        • better code hygiene
      • focus on larger services
    8. Use the Tools to Deliver Software
      • introduce the static analysis tools in your build process
      • Jdeps, java -dry-run, jdeprscan
      • used to produce metrics and quality software
    9. All Things in Moderation
      • don't over-modularize
      • over-modularized code is worse than a monolith
      • understand the dependencies in your package

JPMS introduces the module path

  • it tells the compiler and runtime where to find the modules

  • directory hierarchy must match module/package hierarchy

    • each module is a separate hierarchy
  • the module path supersedes the class path

    • the class path is for backward compatibility
  • the module path can aggregate many modules

    • each module can be its own island of code
  • 1 modular structure

    modular structure

  • multi modular structure

    multi modular structure

Tools and Strategies


  • javac -d ./mods/ --module-source-path src $(find src -name "*.java")
  • javac -d ./mods/ --module com.domain.module --module-source-path src
  • javac -d ./mods/ --module-path mods --module com.domain.module --module-source-path src
  • build with version

    javac -d ./mods/ --module-source-path src --module-version 123.01 $(find src -name "*.java")


  • a jar file that contains module-info at its root

  • a module is 1 to 1 with a jar file

  • build

    rm -rf bin
    mkdir bin

    javac -d ./mods/ --module-source-path src $(find src -name "*.java")
    find src -name "*.java"

    jar --create --file ./bin/com.domain.modulea.jar -C mods/com.domain.modulea .
    jar --create --file ./bin/com.domain.moduleb.jar -C mods/com.domain.moduleb .
  • build with versioning

    rm -rf bin
    mkdir bin

    javac -d ./mods/ --module-source-path src $(find src -name "*.java")
    find src -name "*.java"

    jar --create --file ./bin/com.domain.modulea.jar --module-version=123.02 -C mods/com.domain.modulea .
    jar --create --file ./bin/com.domain.moduleb.jar -C mods/com.domain.moduleb .
  • run

    java --module-path bin -m com.domain.modulea/com.domain.modulea.ClassName

Dependency checking tools

  • describe module
    • describe modules used and their dependencies without running the program

      java --module-path mods/ --describe-module com.domain.modulea

  • list modules
    • list all of the observable modules
      • observable modules are modules that are available at run time
      • but not necessarily the ones used by the application

        java --module-path mods/ --list-modules com.domain.modulea

  • show module resolution
    • shows how modules are resolved before running the application
    • will include both the JDK library modules and the application modules
    • will also run the application

      java --module-path mods/ --show-module-resolution -m com.domain.modulea/com.domain.modulea.ClassName

  • dry run
    • to make sure application will resolve all dependencies without actually running the app
    • an error will occur if module does not exist

      java --module-path mods/ --dry-run -m com.domain.modulea/com.domain.modulea.ClassName

  • upgrade version at run time
    • build first version

      javac -d ./mods/ --module-version 123.01 --module-source-path src $(find src -name "*.java")

    • build second version

      javac -d ./mods2/ --module-version 123.02 --module com.domain.modulea --module-source-path src

    • run with upgraded version

      java --upgrade-module-path mods2 --module-path mods -m com.domain.modulea/com.domain.modulea.ClassName


  • a class dependency analyzer tool
  • check dependencies
    • prints the dependencies between each module

      jdeps --module-path mods/ mods/com.domain.modulea

  • list jdeps
    • print a summarized list of dependencies

      jdeps --list-deps --module-path mods/ mods/com.domain.modulea

Module packaging tools


  • a tool and a file format

  • it creates jmod files

  • similar in intent as jar files, but designed to work with Jlink

  • used to build custom runtime images

  • pre-java9

    • 1 jar file as rt.jar contains all JDK libraries
    • causes longer time to start
    • not suitable for small apps with very short lifecycle
  • build jmods

    rm -rf jmods jlink
    mkdir jmods

    javac -d ./mods/ --module-source-path src $(find src -name "*.java")

    jmod create jmods/com.domain.modulea.jmod --class-path mods/com.domain.modulea
    jmod create jmods/com.domain.moduleb.jmod --class-path mods/com.domain.moduleb
  • list jmod contents

    jmod list jmods/com.domain.modulea.jmod

  • describe jmod contents

    jmod describe jmods/com.domain.modulea.jmod

  • extract classes from jmod contents

    jmod extract jmods/com.domain.modulea.jmod

Custom image building tools

  • a tool to create custom runtime images

  • self-contained images that include the JRE

  • it contains everything needed to run, no pre-installing of Java Runtime on the host is required

  • it strips away everything from the JDK that isn't used by the app

    • results in a smaller overall app distribution
  • build jlink from jmod

    rm -rf jmods jlink
    mkdir jmods

    javac -d ./mods/ --module-source-path src $(find src -name "*.java")

    jmod create jmods/com.domain.modulea.jmod --class-path mods/com.domain.modulea
    jmod create jmods/com.domain.moduleb.jmod --class-path mods/com.domain.moduleb

    jlink --module-path $JAVA_HOME/jmods:jmods --add-modules com.domain.modulea --output jlink --launcher run=com.domain.modulea/com.domain.modulea.ClassName
  • run jlink


Jmod hasing

  • a hash is a tag that marks interrelated Jmod files ensuring they are used together

  • it prevents files from different tags to be interchanged

  • hash jmod

    rm -rf jmods jlink
    mkdir jmods

    javac -d ./mods/ --module-source-path src $(find src -name "*.java")

    jmod create jmods/com.domain.modulea.jmod --class-path mods/com.domain.modulea
    jmod create jmods/com.domain.moduleb.jmod --class-path mods/com.domain.moduleb

    jmod hash --module-path jmods --hash-modules .*

    jlink --module-path $JAVA_HOME/jmods:jmods --add-modules com.domain.modulea --output jlink --launcher run=com.domain.modulea/com.domain.modulea.ClassName
  • view hash with describe

    jmod describe jmods/com.domain.modulea.jmod

Jar files vs Jmod files

jar filesjmod files
support modulesuse for custom run time image
use for running on a pre-installed JREcan hold native libraries
use for packaging on custom images

backward compatibility with classes


  • a static analysis tool that scans code for uses of deprecated API elements
  • use to show every method in the standard JDK libraries that have been deprecated or slated for removal
  • scan jdk libraries

    jdeprscan --list --release 6

  • list jdk libraries for removel

    jdeprscan --list --for-removal

  • scan classes

    jdeprscan --class-path classes classes

Explicit vs unamed modules

  • the module path is always searched first when loading classes, and if it's not found there, the class path is searched, so classes and modules can coexist

  • All nonmodule classes loaded from the class path are part of what is called the unnamed module

  • The unnamed module is a new concept created to bridge modularized and unmodularized code

  • Explicit modules are those defined via the module-info class

  • Unnamed modules are special modules created by their runtime that contain all classes that are loaded from the class path

  • At most, there will be only one unnamed module at runtime

  • Classes within the unnamed module can read any public class from an exported package of an explicit module

    • But the reverse is not true
  • Explicit modules cannot read the classes from the unnamed module, nor can they depend upon the unnamed module

  • unnamed modules exist only for interoperability between modularized and unmodularized code

    • This means that the axle class can access anything that the movement module exports without explicitly requiring it
  • if a package is defined in both the class path and the module path, then the class found in the module is loaded

  • These readability rules are important to preserve reliable configuration in JPMS

  • Otherwise, JPMS would be broken

  • These constructs exist for backward compatibility and not as an end state

  • While unnamed modules can participate in JPMS, they are second-class citizens in the world of modularity because they can't fully take advantage of all the features

  • build unnamed module

    • src_1 has no file
      • however, the classes inside can still import from src_2
    rm -rf mods bin classes
    mkdir mods bin classes

    javac -d ./mods/ --module-source-path src_2 $(find src_2 -name "*.java")
    javac -d ./classes/ -cp mods/com.domain.moduleb --source-path src_1 $(find src_1 -name "*.java")

    jar --create --file ./bin/com.domain.moduleb.jar -C mods/com.domain.moduleb .
  • run unnamed module

    java --module-path bin --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH -cp classes com.domain.modulea.ClassName

backward compatibility with JARs

Automatic modules

  • a jar that was created from unmodularized code doesn't have the module info class but can still be used within JPMS
  • created by the platform to hold classes loaded from a non-modular jar
  • classes loaded from non-modular jars are contained by the platform inside automatic modules
  • it helps with the in between world of partially modularized code bases and libraries
  • it offer better integration with modules
    • but still is limited because they cannot depend upon explicit modules
    • together with unnamed modules, they allow piecemeal migration to modules
      • and avoid a big bang migration approach
  • it is class exclusive
    • this means that if a class exists in 2 different jar files
      • only 1 jar file will be used as automatic
      • the other jar will be discarded in its entirety

automatic and unnamed modules

  • build automatic module

    • src_1 has no file
      • however, the classes inside can still import from src_2
    rm -rf mods bin classes
    mkdir mods bin classes

    javac -d ./mods/ --module-source-path src_2 $(find src_2 -name "*.java")

    javac -d ./classes/ -cp mods/com.domain.moduleb --source-path src_1 $(find src_1 -name "*.java")

    jar --create --file ./bin/com.domain.moduleb.jar -C mods/com.domain.moduleb .
    jar --create --file ./bin/com.domain.modulea.jar -C classes .
  • run automatic module

    java --module-path bin --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH com.domain.modulea.ClassName