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Sorting algorithms

AlgorithmTime best caseTime avg caseTime worst caseSpace
QuicksortO(n log n)O(n log n)O(n2)O(log n)
Bubble SortO(n)O(n2)O(n2)O(1)
Counting SortO(n + k)O(n + k)O(n + k)O(n + k)
Selection SortO(n2)O(n2)O(n2)O(1)
  • Some of them, like Quicksort and Merge Sort alongside with Heap Sort are based on the divide and conquer principle and are considered efficient sorting algorithms that achieve a much better time complexity of Θ(n log n)
    • therefore, are also suitable for large data sets with billions of elements


  • it picks an element as a pivot and partitions the array based on the pivot
    • How to pick pivot?
      • Always pick the first element as a pivot
      • Always pick the last element as a pivot (implemented below)
      • Pick a random element as a pivot
      • Pick median as a pivot
  • The partition process is a key process
    • Choose x element as pivot
    • put x and its position in a sorted array
    • then put all smaller elements before the pivot, and all larger elements after the pivot

Quick Sort

Bubble Sort

  • it is the most straightforward way of sorting
  • it has the suboptimal characteristics, but it is easy to perceive

Bubble Sort

Counting Sort

  • it sorts the elements of an array by counting the number of occurrences of each unique element in the array
  • It has the linear time and will take O(k + n) time to finish
    • where k is the value of the max element in the input array
    • it is efficient if the range of input data is not significantly greater than the number of elements to be sorted

Counting Sort

Selection Sort

  • it sorts elements by picking a minimum element from an unsorted subarray and putting it at the beginning of the sorted subarray
    • considering ascending order

Selection Sort