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Object Oriented Programming

  • it is a style of programming or a programming paradigm
  • it combines a group of related variables and functions into a unit
    • the unit is referred to as an object
    • the variables are referred to as properties
    • the functions are referred to as methods
  • e.g.: a CAR object
    • has properties of "make, model, color"
    • and methods of "start(), stop(), move()"

4 pillars of OOP


  • a concept that binds together the data and functions that manipulate the data, and that keeps both safe from outside interference and misuse

  • a tool that helps to hide unimportant implementation details out of sight

  • most commonly used in the context of information hiding

  • Public mutable data violates encapsulation

    • because any client of the class can change the internal state of the class object without the notification of the class
  • To achieve encapsulation in the design, two components are distinguished, its public interface and the private part

    • the public part should expose more about what the class does and hide unnecessary implementation details from clients
  • Abstraction and encapsulation complement each other and form some more general holistic picture of the object-oriented programming paradigm

  • play a key role in fighting complexity, providing the ability to design at a higher level, abstracting from implementation details

  • example 1

    // procedural programming
    let baseSalary = 30000;
    let overtime = 10;
    let rate = 20;
    function getWage(baseSalary, overtime, rate) {
    return baseSalary + overtime * rate;
    getWage(baseSalary, overtime, rate);

    // encapsulation - this is better because getWage method does not requires any parameters
    // the fewer the number of parameters, the easier it is to use and maintain that function
    let employee = {
    baseSalary: 30000,
    overtime: 10,
    rate: 20,
    getWage: function () {
    return this.baseSalary + this.overtime * this.rate;
  • example 2

    • Encapsulation is violated

      class Paystub {
      private readonly employees: Employee[];

      public getEmployees(): Employee[] {
      return this.employees;

      public computePayroll(): number {
      // using this.employees for calculation
      return 42;

      const p1 = new Paystub();
      // if employees data type changed, we can't add employee
      const employees = p1.getEmployees();

      employees.push(new Employee());
      employees.push(new Employee());

    • Encapsulation is not violated

      class Paystub2 {
      private readonly employees: Employee[];

      public addEmployee(employee: Employee): void {

      public computePayroll(): number {
      // using this.employees for calculation
      return 42;

      const p2 = new Paystub2();

      // there will never be an issue when adding employee
      p2.addEmployee(new Employee());
      p2.addEmployee(new Employee());



  • it highlights some significant parts, meaningful information from a component, no matter whether it is a class or an architectural layer in the system, or a logical unit of our system

  • (summary): it is the highlighting of significant parts or exclusion of insignificant parts from consideration

    • The act of representing essential features without including the background details or explanations
  • In OOP, only data abstraction is considered

    • it is called as abstraction implying a set of the most significant characteristics of an object available for the program
  • it is essential when dealing with system complexity by hiding implementation details and highlighting essential aspects of behavior

  • main idea of abstraction is to describe real life objects and how they interact in a software system

  • play a key role in fighting complexity, providing the ability to design at a higher level, abstracting from implementation details

  • can be implemented using interfaces and abstract classes

  • example 1

    function Employee(name, age, baseSalary) { = name;
    this.age = age;
    this.baseSalary = baseSalary;
    let monthlyBonus = 1500;

    // abstraction creation
    let calculateFinalSalary = function () {
    let finalSalary = baseSalary + monthlyBonus;

    this.getEmployeeDetails = function () {
    calculateFinalSalary; // abstraction implementation;

    const employee = new Employee("John", 30, 2000);
  • example 2: implementation details, is the more unstable part of the abstraction, it can change while maintaining the public interface

    enum CoffeeSelection {

    class CoffeeBean {
    // implementation of CoffeeBeen

    class Coffee {
    constructor(selection: CoffeeSelection, volume: number) {
    // implementation of Coffee

    class Configuration {
    constructor(weight: number, volume: number) {
    // implementation of Configuration

    // abstraction
    // implementation details are changed systematically, the requirements are changed systematically
    // the main thing is not to change the public interface on which clients depend
    class CoffeeMachine {
    private configMap: Map<CoffeeSelection, Configuration>;
    private beans: Map<CoffeeSelection, CoffeeBean>;

    constructor(beans: Map<CoffeeSelection, CoffeeBean>) {
    this.beans = beans;
    // create coffee configuration
    this.configMap = new Map<CoffeeSelection, Configuration>();
    this.configMap.set(CoffeeSelection.ESPRESSO, new Configuration(8, 28));
    new Configuration(30, 480)

    // The client knows that the coffee machine has only this method
    // Everything else, all the settings of the coffee machine, initialization in the constructor of some configuration of everything else
    // for the client this is not meaningful behavior, it should not depend on it, because it is unstable, it can change
    public brewCoffee(selection: CoffeeSelection): Coffee {
    const coffee = new Coffee(selection, 100);

    console.log("Making coffee...");

    return coffee;

    const main = () => {
    // create a |Map of available coffee beans
    const beans = new Map<CoffeeSelection, CoffeeBean>();

    new CoffeeBean("My favorite espresso bean", 1000)
    new CoffeeBean("My favorite filter coffee bean", 1000)

    // get a new CoffeeMachine object
    const machine = new CoffeeMachine(beans);

    // brew a fresh coffee
    const espresso: Coffee = machine.brewCoffee(CoffeeSelection.ESPRESSO);


  • it is a mechanism that allows you to eliminate redundant code

  • it has a relationship between classes that lets you inherit or extend functionality from 1 class to another

  • This is an is or is a relationship

    • a relationship between a base class and descendants
  • This relationship is the strongest and in statically typed languages it cannot be broken

    • this must be considered when assessing the need to use inheritance in this case
    • If inheritance were applied in a place where one could do without it
      • this will make it difficult to understand and maintain code
      • because the inheritance hierarchy can be 10 classes or more
      • it is difficult to understand somewhere in the middle or how the last class will behave
      • hard to understand in what places which methods are being overwritten or overridden
      • Therefore, inheritance must be approached wisely
  • not all Object Oriented languages are the same

    • c++ supports multiple inheritance
    • java only supports single inheritance
      • each class can extend or inherit functionality from only 1 other class
      • classes can implement multiple interfaces
  • inheritance relationship

    • Parent/Child, Base/Derived, Superclass/Subclass
  • example

    class Person {
    protected name: string;

    constructor(name: string) { = name;

    class Employee extends Person {
    private department: string;

    constructor(name: string, department: string) {
    this.department = department;

    public getDetails() {
    return `Hello, my name is ${} and I work in ${this.department}.`;

    const howard = new Employee("Howard", "Sales");

    console.log(howard.getDetails()); // ok
    console.log(; // error
    console.log(howard.department); // error
  • 3 access modifiers

    • Private
      • not accessible from the outside
      • only instances of this current class can work with these properties
      • The Employee class has a department property
      • only objects of the Employee class can work with this property
    • Protected
      • is a little wider than private
      • only instances of the current class and classes of descendants can work with them
      • From Employee, we can refer to name from Person
      • they are also closed to the outside world
    • Public
      • public properties and methods are those that are provided to clients in the form of a public interface
      • it should be the most stable and the most unchangeable

Polymorphism - literally means many forms

  • The provision of a single interface to entities of different types or the use of a single symbol to represent multiple different types

  • it addresses an object as either super or subtype

  • writes methods that accept supertype as arguments

  • passes instances of subtypes

  • increases code flexibility and reusability

  • has 2 types

    1. Compile time polymorphism (static binding / static polymorphism)
      • e.g.: method overloading
        • allows you to implement multiple methods within the same class that use the same name but different types/order/number of parameters
    2. Runtime polymorphism (dynamic binding / dynamic polymorphism)
      • e.g.: method overriding
        • does not allow the compiler to determine the executed method
        • Within an inheritance hierarchy, a subclass can override a method of its superclass
          • That enables the developer of the subclass to customize or completely replace the behavior of that method
        • Overriding is about same method, same signature but different classes connected through inheritance
  • example 1

    class Animal {
    constructor(name) { = name;

    makeSound() {
    console.log("Generic animal sound");

    // polymorphism - override the makeSound method
    class Dog extends Animal {
    constructor(name) {

    makeSound() {
    const dog = new Dog("Happy");
    dog.makeSound(); // "Woof!"
  • example 2: Static polymorphism: overloading

    interface Hero {
    name: string;
    skill: string;
    weakness: string;

    class HeroService {
    protected heroes: Hero[] = [
    {name: "Superman", skill: "fly", weakness: "cryptonit"},
    {name: "Spiderman", skill: "spider-sense", weakness: "MJ"},
    {name: "Batman", skill: "superhuman power", weakness: "law"},
    {name: "Flash", skill: "run", weakness: "unknown"},

    public getHero(name: string);
    public getHero(name: string, skill: string);

    public getHero(name: string, skill?: string): Hero {
    if (!skill) {
    return this.heroes.find((hero) => === name);

    return this.heroes.find(
    (hero) => === name && hero.skill === skill

    const heroService = new HeroService();
    const hero1 = heroService.getHero("Flash");
    const hero2 = heroService.getHero("Superman", "fly");
  • example 3: Dynamic polymorphism: overriding

    class HeroService {
    // implementation of HeroService

    class AntiHeroService extends HeroService {
    public getHero(weakness: string): Hero {
    return this.heroes.find((hero) => hero.weakness === weakness);

    const antiHeroService = new AntiHeroService();
    const hero = antiHeroService.getHero("law");
  • in java

    Method OverloadingMethod Overriding
    it is a compile-time polymorphismit is a run-time polymorphism
    It helps to increase the readability of the programIt is used to grant the specific implementation of the method which is already provided by its parent class or superclass
    It occurs within the classIt is performed in two classes with inheritance relationships
    it may or may not require inheritanceit always needs inheritance
    methods must have the same name and different signaturesmethods must have the same name and same signature
    the return type can or can not be the same, but we just have to change the parameterthe return type must be the same or co-variant
    Static binding is being used for overloaded methodsDynamic binding is being used for overriding methods
    It gives better performance. The reason behind this is that the binding of overridden methods is being done at runtimePoor performance
    Private and final methods can be overloadedPrivate and final methods can’t be overridden
    Argument list should be different while doing method overloadingArgument list should be same in method overriding

Value types vs Reference types

  • primitives are copied by their value
// example 1
let x = 0;
let y = x;
x = 20; // y = 0, x = 20

// example 2
let number = 10;
function increase(number) {
console.log(number); // number = 10
  • objects are copied by their reference
// example 1
let x = {value: 0};
let y = x;
x.value = 20; // y = { value: 20 }

// example 2
let obj = {value: 10};
function increase(obj) {
console.log(obj); // { value: 11 }

Value types

  • number, string, boolean, symbol, undefined, null

Reference types

  • object, function, array


// normal code - needs to make multiple of the same objects if have different radius value
const circle = {
radius: 1,
draw: function () {

// factory function - only need to change the value in the parameter during initialization
function createCircle(radius) {
return {
draw: function () {

const circle = createCircle(1);


// constructor function
function Circle(radius) {
this.radius = radius;
this.draw = function () {

const circle = new Circle(1);